Dear AJQuick

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

Back In Black, this isn't a big surprise to me, since GBFan's is a bit of a exclusive club thing going on over there. Best advise, as soon as the ban is lifted make a note to self to not post there, Read only. I do that now and things work out much better.

It's not an exclusive club, and I resent the implication that you think we are being selective about who is allowed in.

He's been banned permanently, and for reasons that have been made clear. Despite warnings and requests not to he made posts that were either not contibuting to a topic, or were completely pointless (the aforementioned smiley posts). As he's been given a ban he definitely will not be coming back, if he's been given a suspension (which he already has been given) he would've been back. He was given a suspension, didn't appear to learn from it and was banned as a result of posts since he was given it.

there was a way around it by deleteing your cookies and browser history and then logging back in.

Thank you for the info, I'll pass it along to AJ so he may be able to put up a way to prevent people using that.


15 years, 9 months ago

Perhaps those who have been banned fail to see what has really happened. GBFans is not an exclusive club or anything of the like, we on a standard basis welcome new members.

However, perhaps you would consider it a “club” due to the fact we enjoy having members who show some capacity for mental thought and deliberation, and are capable of acting like adults or at the very least mature young minds.

But seeing as everyone who has complained about GBFans in any manner since its opening show no signs regarding in what I've noted above I honestly think you've all earned it.


by ajquick1

15 years, 9 months ago

There is no way around it by deleting cookies.

Everything appears to have been answered in regards to Back in Black.

It went like this:

-1 Week Suspension
-2 New Accounts Created to Circumvent Suspension.
-Permanent Ban.

(The Permanent Ban happened because you could not wait the 7 days without access to the site.. AND created several accounts. No one should have more than one account. I am very stern about that, and it almost always ends up in a ban or deleteing the account.)

As for Devilmazzoy.. Your skin is not thick enough to be on the internet. If you calmed down and actually tried to have some fun.. vs calling the Largest Ghostbusters Community an exclusive club.. you might enjoy yourself.

GBSUFF, you have been banned something like 3-4 times now. Each time for different reasons but each time compounds and makes the decision easier.

Also. Keep in mind that our moderators can ban users too.

by thedavetini

15 years, 9 months ago

I read that GBFans was an exclusive club, so I just had to join. I hope they have sandwiches jk

I just recently stumbled across the ghostbuster online community, there is so much good stuff here. I found out about the AZ Ghostbusters which honestly are amazing, I mean look at their charity work and doing all that for kids, thats an insperation to everyone. Most everyone is helpfull on the message boards which is truely amazing for any online message boards.

It sucks that someone cant just have fun on the boards and not try to take cheap stabs at eachother or break someone down just so they can feel so much above people, which sounds like what back in black did, then get warnings, ignore it, get banned and then complain about it to the point where seceral moderiators have to explain why exactly he got banned.

Thats just my point of view, but then again I am a newbie here.

Now I am going back to having fun and getting to know more great people on this board.(*winston)

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 9 months ago

AJ Quick;145438
As for Devilmazzoy.. Your skin is not thick enough to be on the internet. If you calmed down and actually tried to have some fun.. vs calling the Largest Ghostbusters Community an exclusive club.. you might enjoy yourself.

Nice one there. I'd explain more in detail why I feel the way I do, but seriously you haven't nor will you ever care. Anyways, I noticed you have your Aka unchained(Note 2 post count from him). Anyways, you may or may not have the Largest Ghostbusters Community, that is fine if you do, but don't waste time shoving it down my or anyone elses throat.

by BackInBlack

15 years, 9 months ago

I'd do anything to get back on I'd even pay good money, also I was never told what I was specifically doing wrong. If I was simply told by AJ to cut back on the posting and avoid doing certain things in a Private Message I would've done so. However I don't feel the need for a permanent lifetime ban, a few months to cool off would've been fine…in fact I asked you what the warnings were about AJ!!! However you refused to tell me saying, “Does it matter?”. Well yes it does matter, you can't correct anything if you don't know the problem…punishing someone without explanation beforehand just makes it worse. AJ I'm sorry about the emails on, I thought my post on here had been deleted since I don't regularly use this site.

I've never blamed anyone for my mistakes and apologize for whatever they may have been. All I wanted in the 1st place was an explanation which was damn hard to get because AJ doesn't have a email adress that people can actually reply to!

by BackInBlack

15 years, 9 months ago

I created my account on way back in 2004…and used it sparingly up until about 2 months ago due to my excitement of the new Ghostbusters Videogame coming out. I don't know about you AJ, but imagine if you had no one to talk to about your favorite subjects and are limited to 2 measly sites with sparse information? Plus I'm pretty sure I used more than just smileys in most of my postings…

by BackInBlack

15 years, 9 months ago

It sucks that someone cant just have fun on the boards and not try to take cheap stabs at each other or break someone down just so they can feel so much above people, which sounds like what back in black did, then get warnings, ignore it, get banned and then complain about it to the point where several moderators have to explain why exactly he got banned.

I did see the warnings, but I will say it again…none of them specified anything!

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

Back In Black;145643
I'd do anything to get back on I'd even pay good money, also I was never told what I was specifically doing wrong.

It was made perfectly clear in replies made by the moderation staff in topics you'd posted in that raised one of the issues that led to your ban.

However I don't feel the need for a permanent lifetime ban, a few months to cool off would've been fine…

You couldn't last a week without creating an alter ego to circumvent the suspension you were given.

in fact I asked you what the warnings were about AJ!!!

Let's see:
Needlessly necroposting.
Making a post that consisted soley of a smiley.
Making rediculous demands of other members of the board, such as telling someone who owned a Redman shell that they should “make some molds!” (your words exactly).

I thought my post on here had been deleted since I don't regularly use this site.

Why on Earth would you just go and assume thate?

because AJ doesn't have a email adress that people can actually reply to!

There's a link in the site's legal info at the bottom of the page which goes to AJ's personal site, on there he has a email address.

by ajquick1

15 years, 9 months ago

Nice one there. I'd explain more in detail why I feel the way I do, but seriously you haven't nor will you ever care. Anyways, I noticed you have your Aka unchained(Note 2 post count from him). Anyways, you may or may not have the Largest Ghostbusters Community, that is fine if you do, but don't waste time shoving it down my or anyone elses throat.

I didnt know that I had to chain down and control my members.

Like I said, if you had thicker skin you might enjoy yourself.. but you have to get too caught up in one completely stupid thing and try to make it into something different.