Dear AJQuick

by BackInBlack

15 years, 9 months ago

It was made perfectly clear in replies made by the moderation staff in topics you'd posted in that raised one of the issues that led to your ban.

Yes, but the only one I remember was Teliwhy telling me about posting too much and being stupid for actually wanting to use an oxygen tank on my Slime Blower. Also I apologized for the Redman molds incident by saying that I had not scrolled over on my browser to check the date.

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

Back In Black;145737
Also I apologized for the Redman molds incident by saying that I had not scrolled over on my browser to check the date.

No, the necroposting was another case that came up, the Redman case was because you posted a completely pointless “make some moulds!” demand in that topic.


15 years, 9 months ago

listen dude stop making it a big deal. there are so many sites.
its a joke to be banned from gbfans. if your not in with the head hanchoses then everyone is agaisnt you.
Like i said has a new message board. and most likely will annouce new stuff first. Whoever banned you will not put you back on there.

I Got back on there a couple of weeks ago and just look thats it.

Hahahah Aj you will never get rid of me lol

by BackInBlack

15 years, 9 months ago

So you've been banned yet somehow you keep getting back on?


15 years, 9 months ago

yea but i keep a low profile on there. they dont have the technology to bann anyone forever.

just keep it low and thats it .

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

its a joke to be banned from gbfans. if your not in with the head hanchoses then everyone is agaisnt you.

Grow up. Please. GBFans is not some exclusive club or social clique. Not being friends with the Mods doesn't mean you become a social pariah. I'm detecting an extreme case of sour grapes here.

yea but i keep a low profile on there. they dont have the technology to bann anyone forever.

just keep it low and thats it .

Seriously? You're bragging in front of at least one of the GBFans Moderators.

This topic's gotten about as pointless as it will.

Backinblack: You will probably never be allowed back on GBFans, get used to it.
GBSuff: Boasting about that is incredibly tacky. Don't count on always being able to get around the ban.