19 years, 5 months ago
19 years, 5 months ago
You locked the The Aristocrats thread, which would've been fun.
You guys are too pent up, why do you enforce your rules so strictly?
Have you no sense of humor? Have you never had a dirty thought in you life?
It's harmless fun, nobody gets hurt.
I think you guys like having the power to lock threads.
Why must you cater to a younger audience, what's wrong with you? Who's looking over your shoulder?
You guys really need to break from the constraints of what is taboo, and start thinking independently.
Leave comedy to people who know how to have fun. After reading this you mods are going to jump on me and say you do have senses of humor and know how to have fun, and that I'm wrong for posting obscenities because kids might read this.
Kids shouldn't be sheltered, nor should they be exploited. But, if they can enjoy Ghostbusters with the rest of us, then they can enjoy mature humor.
19 years, 5 months ago
Rusty Trombone
You responded to everything I wrote exactly how I thought you would. It's as if we had a psychic connection. You just restated all my points back to me, and made no good argument. I don't support your opinions, and how you run this site. I don't know what to say to get you to see things differently. Which is a huge drawback of being an adult, your stance on a subject never falters. Nobody out of their teens years seems to be able to change their opinions, because no matter what #1 is always right. What if I compared you guys to Walter Peck, what would that do? Nothing probably. You'll just say something like,“That's ridiculous….you're off topic… read this….Blah,blah,blah-freakin'-blah!” As if it meant someting to anyone else but you. How many kids are on this site? And why are you fully grown men talking to them? So whatever, to get back on topic, "Yeah the Stay Puft was in the movie wasn't he, I was so excited when I saw it, I made marshmellow in my pants!!! YEAH!!
19 years, 5 months ago
19 years, 5 months ago
I'm just wondering what's going on in “Rusty”'s mind that he would come to a Ghostbusters web site to talk about sex.
Does he go to porn sites to talk about cartoons?
19 years, 5 months ago
19 years, 5 months ago
19 years, 5 months ago
19 years, 5 months ago
19 years, 5 months ago
Rusty Tromboneim only 14 and i love the movies and cartoons
And as adults on this site, which most of us are, especially to like Ghostbusters, and the cartoon.