Debate (02/09/05) - Board Ethics.

by Dr.KyleStevens

19 years, 5 months ago

Rusty Trombone
You guys all need to lighten up. This is what's wrong with society. No one is here to be judged, it's just human behavior, sex is sex. You locked the The Aristocrats thread, which would've been fun. The other thread was locked as well. You guys are too pent up, why do you enforce your rules so strictly? Have you no sense of humor? Have you never had a dirty thought in you life? It's harmless fun, nobody gets hurt. I think you guys like having the power to lock threads. Why must you cater to a younger audience, what's wrong with you? Who's looking over your shoulder? You guys really need to break from the constraints of what is taboo, and start thinking independently. Adults candidly talk about sex. Because we have sex, it's fun, we like it, and we'll continue doing it. I started making cracks about your virginity and instead of being jovial and joking along, someone got offended. Laughing stuff like that off would've been fun and funny. It's what I would've done. I myself took an inward shot, someone called me a 40yr. Old virgin, and I only argued the fact that I'm not 40. I love to laugh, and I do have an odd sense of humor. But for you guys to say it's not acceptable is just wrong. Ghostbusters is a comedy, and that's what I associate it with, not Ghosts or the paranormal. Half the movie was improvised by the actors. Please lighten up or choose a more serious movie to hold in high regards like Sophie's Choice or Schindler's List. Leave comedy to people who know how to have fun. After reading this you mods are going to jump on me and say you do have senses of humor and know how to have fun, and that I'm wrong for posting obscenities because kids might read this. Kids shouldn't be sheltered, nor should they be exploited. But, if they can enjoy Ghostbusters with the rest of us, then they can enjoy mature humor. I watched Stripes, Animal House, Porky's, Groundhog Day,and many other mature movies before I was ten years old. I understood their themes, and humor. Since childhood I've been a fan of George Carlin and Richard Pryor. These are people in the comedy community, people who wouldn't mind associating themselves with dirty humor or Ghostbusters, but I can tell you they would have a huge problem associating with the prudes that run this site.

I don't know if I should be sick or confused. But my points exactly! There are in fact younger people in this site. I'm sure some people complain or cry about the mods locking their posts or threads . But that's the way it is, the mods are here to clean up the boards its not like they're going to bash you in the head with a shovel. (*rant). Jeez like its that hard to follow the rules here.