
by GB3Must_Be_Done

20 years, 12 months ago

For February we can have a heart no-ghost logo. :p

by Xenographer42

20 years, 12 months ago

Yeah, but there was no flipping out!

Well, my head got chopped off, but it may have been unrelated.

It kinda smarts, though…

by AgentD

20 years, 12 months ago

Pffft…you guys ain't seen nothing. We still have our tree up at my house. (*peter)

by EgonsBabe

20 years, 12 months ago

Still? We took our tree down not last Monday but the Monday before(the 12th).

by Xenographer42

20 years, 12 months ago

Got you all beat.

Here in my college dorm, I've still got my Halloween pumpkin sitting right here atop my monitor.

It's a damn good pumpkin, though, so it's okay…. I'm not willing to let Halloween go. My proton pack is still in the corner where I left it when I came home that night… damn, does that get some strange looks from the RAs.