Deleted scenes in a movie adaptation?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 4 months ago

It’s possible that the first GB movie will be adapted into Graphic Novel form. If it’s done, would you like to see the deleted scenes added in where they belong? Here they are:

1.) Stairwell sequence in Weaver Hall (It takes place right before they go in and get kicked off campus.): Venkman says that if the guys can actually trap a Ghost, he should win the Nobel Prize. Ray then protests, and says that if anyone deserves it, it's Egon and him, because they’re doing all the hard research and designing the equipment. However, Venkman says that he introduced Ray and Egon, and that they never would’ve met if not for him, and that’s got to be worth something. In the basement, a Workman in painter pants is at the door as Venkman, Ray and Egon approach and enter the lab. As soon as the door closes behind them, the Workman starts scraping their names off the door with a razor blade. Peter also says “Don't say hello Leslie” to a girl that ignores him.

2.) Extended version of Dean Yeager kicking the guys off campus: Venkman says that he has to laugh, because the same thing happened to Galileo. Then Yeager says that it could’ve been worse: They took another Astronomer, and staked his head to the town gate.

3.) Extended dialogue in Dana’s apartment: After Venkman finishes investigating Dana’s refrigerator, he tells her that he’s “the chairman of the largest paranormal removal company in America”, and that he believes that something happened there. Then he asks to spend the night, and Dana tells him to get out. After Venkman leaves Dana’s apartment, he says to Louis “What a woman”.

4.) Honeymooners scene: A newlywed couple is on their honeymoon in Room 1210 at the Sedgewick Hotel. The husband’s new clock breaks for no apparent reason; he blames his wife, and goes to the bathroom. He coughs several times, and runs out screaming, and calls the clerk, while his wife screams. A glowing cloud of green Ectoplasm can be seen reflecting off the mirror. Gee, I wonder who’s…

5.) The Ghostbusters subsequent examination of Room 1210: It’s not a very long scene, but the guys investigate the room where the ghost was sighted. Venkman smells something nasty. From the readings they take, Egon and Ray discover that the ghost is traveling through the vents.

6.) Extended dialogue of the scene shot outside the Sedgewick Hotel (Impromptu press conference.): Some of this was seen in the montage (Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No job is too big, no fee is too big…). The guys are basically interviewed. Someone asks Egon if he could kill Superman with this Particle Thrower; he says no, but then he says that if they were on Krypton, they could “slice him like Oscar Meyer Bologna”.

7.) Ticketing sequence: A policeman tries to ticket the ECTO-1, but it destroys the ticket.

8.) Janine takes a phone call while Winston fills out his job application: Janine takes a call and says the Ghostbusters can't get to them until a week from Friday, on account that they’re totally booked until then. Winston looks up with a somewhat disturbed look, and then looks back down and continues filling out his application.

9.) Proton Pack mending scene: It wasn't a scene in itself, but actually a part of lengthier scene that was shot, cut, and re-edited into the print in a different place as to what was scripted. Originally, the scene, which has Ray explaining to Winston the procedure for storing trapped ghosts starts with a shot of the basement with Egon working on the packs, before panning over to Ray and Winston at the Ecto Containment Unit. This scene was originally scripted to follow the confrontation between Walter Peck and Venkman, in Venkman’s office, along with subsequent twinkie gag (It was all one scene.). There was also scene in an earlier draft of the script that had Egon plugging in a Proton Pack, and causing NY to blackout.

10.) Fort Detmerring: At about the time where Venkman is at Dana’s apartment while she’s possessed, Ray and Winston get a call out to Fort Detmerring - a fictional civil war fort somewhere in New Jersey. A remnant of this sequence that actually made it into the final film was the short driving scene with Ray and Winston in ECTO-1, supposedly driving BACK from a bust - in actual fact at this point they’re driving to Fort Detmerring. So that driving sequence would be put at the beginning of the Fort Detmerring scene, so it would be in order. Once the two of them arrive at Fort Detmerring, they talk to a Park Ranger, and split up. Ray comes across a bedroom that has been preserved in the style of the era. He spots an old officer’s uniform, takes off his proton pack and puts the jacket on, and strikes a few poses in front of a mirror before sitting down on the bed. Succumbing to exhaustion, he passes out and falls asleep. A spectral mist begins to form within the wardrobe opposite the bed and spreads into the room and over to the bed where Ray is asleep. As the specter materializes, (Played by model Kim Herrin.), Ray wakes up - and if you remember the victory montage at the beginning, then you know the rest… That dream sequence would be removed from the montage, and that’s where the ticketing sequence would be inserted.

11.) Louis Tully/Vinz Clortho and the muggers: Louis (Possessed by Vinz Clortho, the Keymaster.) encounters two muggers in Central Park during the ghost montage. They threaten him, and he asks if they bar his way. They sarcastically reply yes. Louis’ eyes widen, he inhales deeply, then opens his mouth and roars. Irridescent lights pour out of his mouth, and the two muggers scream and run away horrified.

12.) City Hall extended dialogue/deleted scene: After the Mayor asks the guys what they need from him, Venkman straitens his collar, and replies “Just let us kick some ghost!”. After that we see the part that was left in the movie, where the camera pans past the army. Then we see Venkman and Ray discussing matters with the Mayor outside City Hall. As soon as that sequence ends we see Janine talking to Egon behind the ECTO-1 (Janine is wearing the same outfit she wears when she hugs him in the ending credits.). She gives him her lucky coin from the 1964 World's Fair in Flushing Meadow for good luck. Egon says that he shouldn’t take it, because they might not be coming back. Janine then says that it’s okay, because she has another one, and she hugs him. Venkman comes to get Egon and in a funny voice, he asks Janine if her momma ever told her to never get involved with a Ghostbuster. Then he tells her to go on home. Egon closes the backdoor and gets in after Venkman calls him. After that, we see the other part of this scene that was left in the movie, where Venkman yells at them to run some red lights, and the ECTO-1 pulls out.

13.) Winston’s promotion: Right before the Ghostbusters go into Dana’s apartment, they’re putting on their Proton Packs and Winston suggests that they go to Australia or Indonesia until the whole Gozer thing blows off. Venkman tells Winston that he could have a bright future in the company if he didn’t make comments like that. After that Venkman sarcastically adds that just at that very moment he was considering a promotion for Winston, but now he’s not sure about it. Then Ray says, ”Come on guys, let’s do this one and go home” and Winston replies ”Right”.

14.) Walter Peck’s demand: During the battle with Gozer, right before Mr. Stay-Puft appears, Walter Peck goes up to a cop and asks him if the Ghostbusters are on the roof. The cop says yes, and Peck demands that he goes up and arrest them.

15.) Mr. Stay-Puft’s hat: Right after the marshmallow goo falls on Walter Peck, Mr. Stay-Puft’s hat falls to the ground as the crowd cheers.

16.) Dana and Louis: After the guys get Dana and Louis out of their barbequed Terror Dog shells, Louis asks Dana, well, I think you know…

It may seem like a lot (Wait a second, sixteen? That IS a lot! :-) :p ), but I’ve seen most of these, and they’re hilarious. They definitely should’ve been kept in the final film, but of course, that would’ve made the movie too long. However, this would be a graphic novel, and it would be nice to see these they way they were meant to be seen.

What do you guys think?

by Kingpin

21 years, 4 months ago

I'd love to see them in a comic, all except the bit of it using the air ducts to move around (that gets contradicted by Slimer going through a wall) and that damn Stay Puft hat, would've been better if it was on fire.

by Ludicris

21 years, 4 months ago

Yes definately. Especially Venkman's dialogue containg, didnt your momma ever tell you not to get involved with no ghostbuster boy.

I'd love to see them in a comic, all except the bit of it using the air ducts to move around (that gets contradicted by Slimer going through a wall) and that damn Stay Puft hat, would've been better if it was on fire.

Yeah, the fire would have made it a little more realistic then the way they originally shot it.

by EgonsGlasses

21 years, 4 months ago

are these clips on the “new” anniversary dvd's???

I've been meaning to pick them up for w while but haven't yet!

What else is on them?

by d_osborn

21 years, 4 months ago

are these clips on the “new” anniversary dvd's???

I've been meaning to pick them up for w while but haven't yet!

What else is on them?
hmmm…. me too!

i'd like to see some sort of graphic novel of the first film done in the 88mph style. it would be a cool nod to the fans to have a few cut scenes in there….

by Xenographer42

21 years, 4 months ago

Where did you see these? Hot damn… that's like a quarter of a movie right there!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 4 months ago

Where did you see these?

are these clips on the “new” anniversary dvd's???

#'s 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 were on the 15th Anniversary DVD. :-)

I'm sure whoever adapts the movie into a graphic novel would have access to the actual footage, seeing as though the dialogue in the shooting script differs some things that were filmed.

by EgonsGlasses

21 years, 4 months ago

I was wondering, can you see these played in the entire movie where they are supposed to be or individually or both???

I hope they can be added to the movie!!!

by EctoSnot

21 years, 4 months ago

I finally broke down and got the DVDs the other day, and as far as I know you can only view them seperately (and they're in original format, not the sleek and clean re-done kind).

by Mr.Jacobs

21 years, 4 months ago

I thought some of those were on the Laser Disc as well? I heard that the nobel prize one was on there and a cut up version of the fort scene which should have been cut the way it was, I mean It made no sense with th rest of the plot. It actually was funnier when it looks like a dream in the montage, escpecially when he fell out of the bed.