Demo Release Date?

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

I hope it will be avaible today (monday)

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

I hope it will be avaible today (monday)

We know what today is.

Everyone knows what today is.

It's not even past 6PM in the UK…

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago


Is it even monday already in the US?

Edit: It is, but the very morning.

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago


Is it even monday already in the US?

Edit: It is, but the very morning.

It was monday 4 hours ago m8

by ALX

15 years, 9 months ago

Our luck is horrible aswell. Their just couldn't be a LEAKED demo of this game out there. Countless times demos and even full games are leaked onto the internet. But noooooooooooooooooooooooo. Atari has got this game locked up so tight, there leaving stretch marks on the game.

Also, I found another topic in those gamespot forums. Someone posted a topic that says that the demo will be avalible June 19th for the PS3 & XBOX. And that the PS2 & Wii versions will be avalible later this year.

^^If this is true, all hope is lost for a “pre-game release” demo.

Finally, only 9 days left till the full game is released. These will be the longest days of our lives…

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

Our luck is horrible aswell. Their just couldn't be a LEAKED demo of this game out there. Countless times demos and even full games are leaked onto the internet. But noooooooooooooooooooooooo. Atari has got this game locked up so tight, there leaving stretch marks on the game.

Also, I found another topic in those gamespot forums. Someone posted a topic that says that the demo will be avalible June 19th for the PS3 & XBOX. And that the PS2 & Wii versions will be avalible later this year.

^^If this is true, all hope is lost for a “pre-game release” demo.

Finally, only 9 days left till the full game is released. These will be the longest days of our lives…

Like sands in a hourglass, there go the days of our lives.

Incedentally I have a hourglass right here. It helps pass the time alot more than you would expect…

by ALX

15 years, 9 months ago

You cuaght that little quote, did ya Dakera. lool.

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

You cuaght that little quote, did ya Dakera. lool.

I actually used to watch that show.

Then I found ghostbusters and I watched that every other day.

by ALX

15 years, 9 months ago

I actually used to watch that show.

Then I found ghostbusters and I watched that every other day.


by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

Having just complete a week long's worth of University work, which included working through Saturday and Sunday on campus, and staying up all night, I can say with complete honesty that after that a wait of eleven days (June 16th for us UK ghostheads) is nothing.