Development Room

by jogi82

15 years, 8 months ago

i havent played the game yet, because it isnt released in germany yet!
i dont like the fact that my favorite building in ny is not compleatly accessable.
but at least all the rooms u saw from the movie are present! and we all should keep in mind that the intereior shots were made in an other firestation!
maybe thats why some rooms are missing or bigger than suposed to be!
the developers of the game must fit all the rooms somewhere inside the building in a way that makes at least a bit sense!
for the movies it was not a big deal due to the fact that there were only camera angles and most of the rest was the viewers imagination!

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

It may have been in the basement, but for some reason, I kept imagining it as being somewhere on the second floor of the Firehouse.

by jogi82

15 years, 8 months ago

maybe because there was a window?
ill have to check this out!

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I seem to mentally remember one…but I honestly cannot remember. Will have to check tonight when I get home from work.

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

The “dark room” did have a window, that wasn't just your imagination.

AJ Quick;149426
I don't think so.

If you look you can see out the door and it is clearly somewhere in the firehouse. I always thought it was down in the basement, but it ofcourse could just be the bathroom up on the 2nd or 3rd floor.

You would know more about that than me though.

Which room we talking here? The lab where Ray and Egon reviewed Vigo's computer entry or where the Toaster danced? Those weren't the same room and as the window of the dark room was dark and the door of the “Vigo Lab” was closed, it could have easily been a soundstage set.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

The “dark room” did have a window, that wasn't just your imagination.

Which room we talking here? The lab where Ray and Egon reviewed Vigo's computer entry or where the Toaster danced? Those weren't the same room and as the window of the dark room was dark and the door of the “Vigo Lab” was closed, it could have easily been a soundstage set.

I am glad it wasn't just my imagination.

Considering the location of the room in games presentation of the basement I think we can safely rule out it being in the basement.

by ajquick1

15 years, 8 months ago

Ben I was referring to the Dark Room. I didn't notice the mention of the lab where they reviewed Vigo on a computer screen. I always thought it was in the basement where they had those equipment racks outside. (if you notice there are racks filled with Proton Packs on them outside the dark room). But I know they did have those racks lots of other places too.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

After watching GB2 after work lastnight I now have come to the belief that the Dark Room that they were using was in fact (like someone else already stated) was the bathroom due to the line “What are you going to do? Stick our heads in the toilet” (that was spoken by Egon I think) after (I think Ray says) the line “We need to do something”

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

I actually looked around a little. I noticed that at the front of the Firehouse(Right next to Luis's desk.) There's a door thats opened up to a room thats very dark. The door actually looks like it's jammed open by something that's not there.(A effect on the hinges after the door got bashed open by Winston?)

There's also another door in the same area across from Tulleys desk. Not sure where that one goes.

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

I actually looked around a little. I noticed that at the front of the Firehouse(Right next to Luis's desk.) There's a door thats opened up to a room thats very dark. The door actually looks like it's jammed open by something that's not there.(A effect on the hinges after the door got bashed open by Winston?)

If we're talking about LA23 and not the digital replica in the game, then that isn't it either. Out of the two small rooms that are right at the front of the LA23's Engine Bay, the larger one on the right when looking at the front of the station features a “pedestrian entrance” for when the engine bay doors are closed, and is also where people would be able to access the elevator to the second floor. The smaller one on the opposite side of the Firehouse appears to be a small toilet*.

*Although I'm still yet to confirm this… although it's really about the only thing that can go in there.

I can provide some images if it's of any help.

If we're talking about something in the game version of the Firehouse, then at the moment I have to plead a bit of ignorance.