Devil May Cry 4

by pantshater24

16 years, 9 months ago

load time is about 22 minutes on the ps3, though i think the graphics look better on it than 360

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

For me, graphics are nothing. Gameplay and storyline are top on my list. If the game sucks there is no amount of graphics that will make it good. And if a games good then no amount of bad graphics will make it un-fun to play…though having good graphics does make it more enjoyable.

by IrieMangaStudios

15 years, 11 months ago

Never got to play DMC4 but watched all the cutscenes for it (Did enjoy DMC3 though)… Nero was definitely cool but Dante has the “Peter Venkman with Demon Powers” award… the comparison of Nero being cautious of the “sexy ghost bait girls” to Dante's just flirting and diving into the trap screaming Peter only to jump out to safety ready to fight.

Really need to try a DMC/RGB x-over pic Peter trying to pal around Dante to get a double date with Trish and Lady.