Did anyone else think Time Machine bit the big one?

by Ecto-Jedi

22 years, 11 months ago

Saw it a few days ago and let me tell you, the bad out weigh the good…

Too short.

Didn't explained how the time machine worked. (Doc did that much in BttF)

Too many plot holes

It's sad when a computer (Orlando Jone's character) has longer lines than the main character

(hide your eyes)
Sped up time in a certian area only to kill of the bad guys but get out of dodge before time consumes you too? Thats just silly… I mean really, altering time in particlaur area only, genius…
(open your eyes)

The movie had so many openings to expand and make the movie decant. This is is no way shape or form nearly as good as the BttF trilogy.

It did expand on Doc Brown's theory of paradoxs, I liked TM's idea on that.
The time dissovles were pretty good to see.

Overall, out of 10, a nice 5. No blockbuster or anything. I dont even think die-hard H.G.Wells fans liked it…

by MasterSpider

22 years, 11 months ago

I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't give it a much higher rating than you would. The effects were spectacular, but the story was a little much for me, it probably would've made more sense had I actually read the book. I loved Orlando Jones' part, though.

by Ecto1A

22 years, 11 months ago

One of the worst films I've ever seen. And I had to watch it in an AMC Theatre to boot…*ugh*


by SkullLeader

22 years, 11 months ago

It was the number one movie in America! For…… 1 day… actually less than a day…. more like a couple hours… oh man what a mess.