Did anyone ever watched Inspector Gadget?

by missygirl8520001

21 years, 5 months ago

I did and that show rocked they had the Insepctor, Penny, and Brain and the Chief who always get blown up after gadget reads his assignment. But I liked Dr. Claw and Mad Cat. Because he kind of reminds me of Darth Vader of Star Wars and gets mad and throws tantrums everytime he loses to Gadget. And Mad cat is just like his master and sometimes he get mistreated by Dr. Claw himself. I have some episodes on tape that I recorded and watch most of the time. I almost watched all the episodes but it doesn't come on anymore. But I hope it comes back one day and the other cartoons that are on are horrible. :-@ :@

by JohnnySparks

21 years, 5 months ago

Excellent show, but don't ever watch the movies unless you want to experience missing time.


21 years, 5 months ago

the second movie wasn't that bad , the first one is what screwed everything up . but yeah , that show did rock . my friend recently bought the straight to dvd movie “inspector gadgets last case ” it's a cartoon movie , not bad . but still not as good as the shows were . and his coat was black for some reason . (check out the pictures on the wall , one of em has the original gadgetmobile in it )

by back

21 years, 5 months ago

How could i forget that show? Always watched it at 4pm after school each day. just wish it was still on.
im gone.

by mellie1

21 years, 5 months ago

Every morning before school :-)

I haven't seen the second movie yet…


21 years, 5 months ago

french stewart made a way better gadget than ferris bueller did . i call him that because no matter how many movies he does he'll always be remembered as ferris

by missjanine1

21 years, 5 months ago

Wasn't Maurice LeMarche (Egon in RGB and EGB) one of the voices in the cartoon?

by peterbo1

21 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, I think he was the voice of the chief.

Inspector Gadget is my second favourite kids' show, after RGB!

by Ema

21 years, 5 months ago

I used to watch the show. I loved the movie. It was really funny :p

by Cosmic-Riptide

21 years, 5 months ago

Yup, I used to love “Inspector Gadget”! I even have the original doll (the Barbie sized action figure based off of the cartoon character…not the movie related “Happy Meal” toy(s)).

I hated the first movie, and I refuse to watch the second.

On an interesting note however, I was living in Pittsburgh while they were shooting there for the first movie. A lot of the scenes were shot right along the routes I routinely traveled. Dr. Claw's office building for example was located just a block or two from my school.