Did anyone ever watched Inspector Gadget?

by egonsgirl1

21 years, 5 months ago

Man, I used to watch that show, too!

by Nix

15 years, 3 months ago

I have SHOUT! Factory's first (and, to date, only) four-disc set at home.

As for complaints about the first movie, I was impressed with it. Its tone is just about consistent with what I'd want to see in a proper Gadget revival.

Now the second one…ugh. While the visuals are incredible (I still like the idea of the MAD uniform being a cast-off bowling costume), the writing is terrible. If Gadget were just a little bit smarter, the whole thing might have come off better. Instead we have something where the jokes overshadow the story…granted, that's all right for a 25-minute episode, but not a 90-minute feature film.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 3 months ago

Watched it religiously when I was younger. Loved every minute of it…but then again I loved Get Smart as well…and that was essentially what Inspector Gadget was.

by Jack

15 years, 3 months ago

Yep, I remember it. It was awesome!

by ScottSommer

15 years, 3 months ago

I remember this show. Awesome.

I also remember Inspector Gaget's field trip which was fun and educational. Did I use those two word in the same sentence?

I was so sad when Don Adams passed away too.

by DrBob

15 years, 1 month ago

Wowzers!! You mean there are acually people that have not watched Inspector Gadget(*egon)(*egon) Heck I even liked the first movie version with Matthew Broderick the second one was too slapstickish for my tastes

by baddy_ghost

15 years ago

i grew up on this cartoon! watched it everyday before school