Did anyone notice? The easter egg megathread!

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

I saw ghostbusters mans pick and I have a question can you choose your gender on the wii/PS2 version?

Yep, you can pick either the male or female Rookie for the Wii and PS2 games.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 8 months ago

thanks for the pic (*peter)

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 8 months ago

thanks for the pic (*peter)

np man, it just happend so I just finished a mission and I ended up at the Firehouse.. so I was like.. what the heck.. lol.

by eightcell

15 years, 8 months ago

I thought that maybe they'd let you look INSIDE the containment unit for a minute there. Wonder if that was ever planned and then 86'd?

I thought so too.

There is a bit about what goes on inside the containment unit on the blu ray. They discuss that the plan was to show you inside the CU in the first film - u would see inside and it would be the ghosts sort of sulking around and seeming sad, but that they decided not to because it was time consuming, expensive and ultimately that they didn't want you feeling bad for the ghosts.

I wonder how much stuff (besides the franchising) is actually seeding the next Ghostbusters film.

by csullivan1980

15 years, 8 months ago

he has over a 100 sayings according to SpookCentral

anyone find the GB2 logo-sign in the firehouse yet?

I did


I did too, it was a fun find :-O

by JimPhelps

15 years, 8 months ago

This one actually involves Ecto-1. On the opening menu (after you pick career on the 360 atleast. I assume its the same on PS3.) when you see Ecto-1 parked in the garage, notice the side view mirrors? Its the old kind like Ecto had on it after Ray bought it and then when he redid the car, he put on the small side mirrors like you see during the levels. Even at the firehouse Ecto has the small mirrors and on the menu–old school. A nice touch I think.

Actually, upon review, even in the ingame cutscenes, Ecto has the old school huge side windows. But ingame, they are the small round ones.

by drstantz2

15 years, 8 months ago

That's because they updated the design of the car after the cut scenes were made. The car originally looked like it does in the opening menu, which is based of the Universal Studios ECTO-1, including the big mirrors and screwy fins (in fact the mini ECTO 1 you find and the spare door laying against the wall both have the older fins and mirrors.)

by JimPhelps

15 years, 8 months ago

The “older fins”? What do you mean? I can't say I've ever noticed a different set of fins on the back. How are they different?

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 8 months ago

hey guys are you still trying to find the GB DVD @ the Firehouse? I found it. It's right by Ray's bed.. the one with Mr. Stay Puft (I guess) It's on the table/desk to the right. I'm not sure if you guys I have found it.. but I did!

by Venkman582

15 years, 8 months ago

In the Wii/ PS2 version of the game the three arcade games that are upstairs in the firehouse also appear in the building in Times Square that Stay Puft is attacking.

These are the games that the ghosts take over use the sprites to attack you. Also in the office for the Photon gaming company are several posters and cardboard cutouts that I believe are parodies of famous old school games. Also I noticed during a cut scene before the first Times Square level, there is an electronic message board that said Atari and Red Fly. The Vigo painting is also in the firehouse, thought this time it is next to the containment unit in the basement.

Finally during the load screen for the firehouse, the image appears to be based an actual photo of Hook & Ladder 8 as the door is the red shutter type and the Ladder 8 sign is above the garage bay behind the Ghostbusters sign.

PS: I think Doritos was going to due a tie in promotion when the game was still owned by Activision. Hence that is why in PS3/ PC/ Xbox 360 version you see the truck and vending machines.