Did anyone notice? The easter egg megathread!

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 6 months ago

This isn’t an easter egg but I thought it was funny. As I play the game over and over I try different things to see what happens and if you let Stay Puff get to the top of the building he will not only kill you but knock you off the building.

I only mention it because I remember Dan saying in an interview that Ghostbusters don’t die and that was an important part of the game to him. As far as I can tell this is the only place in the game that you are actually killed… not just incapacity but killed. Knocked off the top of a 30 story building!

That does sound like a interesting thing to try out. I'll check that out.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 6 months ago

Does anyone else feel kind of guilty about trapping the Liberian ghost? I know that the name of the game is Ghost Busting but she kind of seemed like a victim. She was a murder victim and jilted lover who as Egon said was kind of leading them to the Chairman, her killer!

Granted she did turn into a giant monster ghost and try and kill the guys so I guess it is fair… they did give her a chance to pass over. Maybe it was just giving her a name and back story that changed it for me. Most of the ghosts were bad guys in real life but not Eleanor Twitty.

Am I crazy or just playing the game over and over too many times?

We really need some DLC.

by JimPhelps

15 years, 6 months ago

Something I noticed when playing the Mayan board on Survival online, if you go to the doors where you first spawn in, you can see the NYC skyline with the Vigo-esque clouds gathering with lightning. Kinda neat when I found it.

by Venkman582

15 years, 6 months ago

During the level “Opening Night” in the Wii/PS2 version, some of the painting in the Gozer exhibition are based on concept art and art from the loading screens. I was really surprised to see that. Also some the soda machines seen in the back round of “ Doctor Rutherford I presume?” and the level after “Marshmellow hunt” which can not remember right now has the word Bolt written on it. This is a reference to the soda Jolt as bottled by Coke.

by Spruebox

15 years, 6 months ago

I have two things. Not real sure if they are actually EEs, but I figure this is the best place to stick ‘em.

First up, when you are in the cemetery near the beginning right after Ray first joins up with you, there is a cutscene where he talks to you about splitting up and flanking the monsters. After that cutscene, if you DO NOT leave Ray’s side, he'll say something rather amusing. Here is a video of it. That video also contains the bit someone mentioned earlier about Egon's ventriloquist comment when you don't rescue him right off the bat on the Lost Island level.

The other thing is something in the sub-basement of the Firehouse, that I have no clue what it is (or should I say, why it's there):

(click picture for a bigger version)

If you want to see it for yourself, it's in the wall directly opposite the door you come in (more to the left then the right). I've Googled it, but found nothing. If anyone has a clue as to why those are there, I'd appreciate it. Might be some real reason for them (historically) that I don't know about.

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

Subway tracks? The 1,2 and 3 trains run almost directly beneath Hook & Ladder 8.

by Spruebox

15 years, 5 months ago

Those are awfully small to be subway tracks…they remind me more of coal mining tracks, but I can't fathom why those would be there.

Edit: unless those are run off tracks for sort of small cart for when the subways were much older?

by below_radar_00

15 years, 3 months ago

I found a few funny things today:

In the beginning of the game when you first arrive at the Sedgewick, if you don't follow the guys you can get the people in the hotel to say some funny stuff. If you walk over to the left there are two people sitting in the waiting area. The guy will first ask you if “you are some sort of exterminator”. If you keep walking up to you he'll ask if “you are some sort of cosmonaut”. Then the lady will say, “Hey your a Ghostbusters…my kids love the Stay-Puft cartoon”.

Then if you walk into the other room where the guys are headed there are more people in there. They will talk to you to. One of the guys says he's going to see Stay-Puft on ice tonight. Classic!

by Nonstop_Death

14 years, 9 months ago

Sorry to add to a slightly dead topic. In the Ghostworld library, In the upside-down room ( on the wall before the long stairs) the is a small, upsidedown pic of Shandor's mother.

by jogi82

14 years, 9 months ago

ok stand behind the ecto 1b look at jannine to the left is a door by the basement stair case you cant open if you look through the window of the door you can see the gb2 sign

first of all:
what are u talking about?
for my understanding, the “sign” is what was hanging outside the firehouse!
but i can see only the “logo” (or “emblem” if u want it that way) on the cardoor!