Did anyone notice? The easter egg megathread!

by jogi82

14 years, 9 months ago

More like the prototype Ecto-500

or maybe the rest of ecto1 a? u cant realy tell the shape of the object urder the blue stuff!

theres a bush in the cemetery with Stay Puft's face on it.

post a pic!

This is the same in the X360/PS3/PC versions as well

i never noticed stairs?!? for me there were just an other room filled with fog!

Subway tracks? The 1,2 and 3 trains run almost directly beneath Hook & Ladder 8.
dont forget that h&l 8 was originally twice as wide and have had 2 bays!
the splitted it right in the middle because of construction works for the subway!

by Kingpin

14 years, 9 months ago

For crying out loud, Jogi, next time use the Edit button, I shouldn't have to combine four posts in a row you'd made when you could've edited the first in the series.

first of all:
what are u talking about?
for my understanding, the “sign” is what was hanging outside the firehouse!
but i can see only the “logo” (or “emblem” if u want it that way) on the cardoor!

Go to the back of the Firehouse and look in the area to the left of Venkman's Office (next to the drinking fountain), you'll see the Ghostbusters II Firehouse sign stowed amongst the other detritus.

by skankerzero

14 years, 9 months ago

For crying out loud, Jogi, next time use the Edit button, I shouldn't have to combine four posts in a row you'd made when you could've edited the first in the series.

Go to the back of the Firehouse and look in the area to the left of Venkman's Office (next to the drinking fountain), you'll see the Ghostbusters II Firehouse sign stowed amongst the other detritus.

Yeah, although my bad that I think I got the logo flipped.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 9 months ago

nope, no bad Skanker, it's right way if my memory serves

by jogi82

14 years, 9 months ago

sorry guys!

i never saw the sign, allways the door of ecto1a!
cant believe i missed that!