Did anyone notice? The easter egg megathread!

by Sii

15 years, 8 months ago

Nice find.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

one of the artifacts you collect by scanning is a toaster
which ends up on the pool table in the firehouse…
which dances *slightly* when you interact with it

I'd sya that's a little egg if i ever saw one

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 8 months ago

I haven't found the GB 2 sign yet.. but I'll keep my eyes open for it.

by ShadowSt

15 years, 8 months ago

oh my bad…

found the hard hats from when they went into the sewer system haha

Oh, that's awesome! Gotta look for that.

by Yehome

15 years, 8 months ago

In the basement, on the tables in front of the ECU, there's a RGB Pke Meter and, I suppose, EGB ghost traps.

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 8 months ago

Has anyone on Youtube posted a video showing these? I'd like to see them.

by GuyCC

15 years, 8 months ago

I'd love to see screen grabs on here.

While not GB related, I was confused/shocked/delighted to see a Q*Bert arcade game in there.

I'd love to know the story behind that….

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

So we all know about little things like Luis Tully's 'out sick" desk and the Peter Venkman telepathy cards. But I wanted to make a thread so that when you discover something small, you can toss it up on here so all the other ghostheads can marvel in the easter egg goodness. I noticed a few myself, like there is a pke meter from the real ghostbusters as well as a trap from the extreme ghostbusters downstairs on a table near the ecto containment unit. I also noticed that on the computer screen upstairs, the text on the screen is the final screen you get after you beat gozer on the old NES ghostbusters game. Feel free to post yor own finds here.

They prooved the justice of our culture, now go rest our heros.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

I'd love to see screen grabs on here.

While not GB related, I was confused/shocked/delighted to see a Q*Bert arcade game in there.

I'd love to know the story behind that….

wasn't that an Atari thing?

Atari made Q*Bert didn't they?


15 years, 8 months ago

u guys talking about the wii or ps3 or xbox version ?
i dont see the sign yet still waiting.