Did anyone notice? The easter egg megathread!

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

u guys talking about the wii or ps3 or xbox version ?
i dont see the sign yet still waiting.

pretty sure x360 & PS3 are the same (more or less)

I'm talking X360

by TimTheTerrorDog

15 years, 8 months ago

EGB traps 6 years before they were invented lol. I saw those and I saw the GB2 sign. Gonna play a lot more tonight. It is so much fun! The wait was worth it!!!

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

EGB traps 6 years before they were invented lol. I saw those and I saw the GB2 sign. Gonna play a lot more tonight. It is so much fun! The wait was worth it!!!

I agree with you on that one…

This game is fan-freakin-tastic

gonne be up all night playin this for sure :-)

I lold at Slimer trying to guess the wavy lines card

actually, I lold at a LOT of things so far, and I'm only 2 hours in the game (damned work)

by TheStrikeTeam21

15 years, 8 months ago

Well, it's not a huge reference, but it's a small detail. The RGB PKE meter is in the basement of the firehouse. It's on the table next to the rest of the equipment in development.

by Yehome

15 years, 8 months ago

There's already a topic for all the references…

by RoyKarrde

15 years, 8 months ago

Well there is a Toy Ecto 1 in the Sewers area as one of the artifacts. Oh and Terminal Reality studio and the surrounding parking lot is one of the artifacts in the Time Square level. Oh and the Mini Satellite Dish that was on Ecto 1A is in the scrap area.

by VigotheCarpathian

15 years, 8 months ago

heres a big one in the fire house upstairs near the computer is a drawing to uncle egon from ed

ed spengler from return of the ghostbusters fan film now thats an easter egg

also in peters office there are various “newspaper clippings” from the first movie

by TaxiCabFloor

15 years, 8 months ago

A little thing I was upset about….in the beginning when Slimer escapes. Slimer's drawn to the containment unit “since egon installed the viewer”….

I thought that maybe they'd let you look INSIDE the containment unit for a minute there. Wonder if that was ever planned and then 86'd?

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 8 months ago

I only played a bit of the game, not wanting to run te thing through really fast. I am going after stay puff. But did you notice peter shot the luggage carrier and the bell hop like the maid? That was a shout out to the first movie.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 8 months ago

I only played a bit of the game, not wanting to run te thing through really fast. I am going after stay puff. But did you notice peter shot the luggage carrier and the bell hop like the maid? That was a shout out to the first movie.

This WHOLE game reminded me of the first film and pretty much just had references to the second film with like easter eggs and stuff…

nothing wrong with that but just something i noticed while playing

i gotta say that i was very disappointed that the only unlockables were videos and art. i guess everything else will be a cash-in download i guess.

i was really hoping you get to use the RGB pke meter and EGB trap as a unlockable