Did Paris Hilton get special treatment?

by secrecyguy

17 years, 9 months ago

ok… how many people think she got special treatment just because she is a celebrity and she is rich? Come on, house arrest? ummm… she is living in luxary!

I don't think she cares if she is stuck at her house! If she needs anything, she can always get something from the Internet, ask someone to get something for her, and have someone deliver things to her.

As far as I am concern, she is free now and got off easy.

This almost remind me of the O.J. Simpson trial. He is a celebrity and rich and he is a free man.

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

She apparently got out of prison on health reasons, but given her appearance and not having to go into hospital I fail to see how her ‘health issues’ were an issue.

She played the system for fools and won… maybe she is a good actress, just only when it serves her self interests.

by DocFritz

17 years, 9 months ago

maybe she is a good actress, .

:-) :-) :-)

Not a sentence one would expect in relation to this particular person.

To repeat what I said last night on GBHQ:

This bullshit makes me so mad I could scream. Once more, a pampered rich cocksucker who has contributed nothing at all to society does not have to face the full consequences of her selfish actions.

Cavity searches? What's the matter, she mad because they didn't have to buy her dinner first?

It's not like she was in Gitmo being subjected to REAL torture or something. Oooh, she didn't have servants to wipe her delicate ass…cue nervous breakdown.

She should have been left in jail. If she had a “nervous breakdown” she'd get hospital care like anyone else.

According to MSNBC, the LA Prosecutor is absolutely livid about this, and there's a hearing scheduled for this morning. The judge's original ruling was “she would not be allowed any work release, furloughs or use of an alternative jail or electronic monitoring in lieu of jail.” That ruling looks violated by this (literal) Get Out Of Jail Free and the little bitch will hopefully have to go back to the pokey.

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

Apparently the judge has ordered her back to jail.

And to expand on what I said, she's a good actress only when it's for her own self importance… she can be a terrible actress in every film she makes until she died but she had to have had something to convince them to let her out.

Too bad it didn't convince the judge.

by secrecyguy

17 years, 9 months ago

I just heard on the news that she is back in jail.

I think the judge feels she got special treatment on this.

I found out when I was watching the news that Sheriff Lee Baca really do not want her in jail at all. WTF?

If Lee Baca feels that celebrity should get special treatment and not go to jail than something is wrong with him.

I have a feeling this will haunt him back again someday in the future.

I could see from my poll that majority of the people feels she got special treatment.


Since she is back in jail, you can lock this if you want.

by Guido75

17 years, 9 months ago

even if it was a severe health issue which requires hospitalization, standard protocols states A) Prisoner will be transported via ambulance with guard B)prisoner be transported by prison vehicle with guard C)If hospitalization wasnt needed outside then the prisoner would be treated inside the facility. She got special treatment up the wazoo. You dont see rapist or other prisoners of that nature being put on house arrest because “Jail is to hard” or my health cant take it. B*** Sh**. She is a stuck up, priss in which reality bit her in the ass. now she cant take it and cries to her fn daddy.

That not Hott

just my two sense

by Egons_girlfriend24

17 years, 9 months ago

Too bad it didn't convince the judge.

lol :-)

by gbandrew1

17 years, 9 months ago

I personally, am very glad for once justice prevailed and she's back in. Kicking and screaming no less.

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 9 months ago

i personally, cant wait to see what she will become of because of prison.

this is gonna be great… haha :-)