maybe she is a good actress, .
:-) :-) :-)
Not a sentence one would expect in relation to this particular person.
To repeat what I said last night on GBHQ:
This bullshit makes me so mad I could scream. Once more, a pampered rich cocksucker who has contributed nothing at all to society does not have to face the full consequences of her selfish actions.
Cavity searches? What's the matter, she mad because they didn't have to buy her dinner first?
It's not like she was in Gitmo being subjected to REAL torture or something. Oooh, she didn't have servants to wipe her delicate ass…cue nervous breakdown.
She should have been left in jail. If she had a “nervous breakdown” she'd get hospital care like anyone else.
According to
MSNBC, the LA Prosecutor is absolutely livid about this, and there's a hearing scheduled for this morning. The judge's original ruling was “she would not be allowed any work release, furloughs or use of an alternative jail or electronic monitoring in lieu of jail.” That ruling looks violated by this (literal) Get Out Of Jail Free and the little bitch will hopefully have to go back to the pokey.