Did Paris Hilton get special treatment?

by GuyCC

17 years, 9 months ago

I'm just glad they tossed her back in. What a media field day and subversion of justice!

by Mufasa

17 years, 9 months ago

I assure you Paris was not released for medical reasons. If she was indeed suffering from an illness that was life threating she would have been transported to the medical ward at Twin Towers jail in downtown Los Angeles. From what I've been told she was complaining, crying, and all around being a princess. She refused to eat, which I guess could be span as a life threating illness.

Sheriff Baca has always had a soft spot for celebrity's. The Mel Gibson arrest is a good example. It wasn't until the report was leaked that the public learned of his antisemetic remarks. Baca also attempted to form a Special Reserve Deputy Unit aimed at celebrity's

Within a month of Baca swearing in his first new celebrity reserve deputies, one of his recruits had been suspended and relieved of duty for brandishing a firearm in a confrontation outside his Bel-Air home. Less than six months later, another member of the special celebrity reserve unit was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of international money laundering.


So, I'll have to vote for special treatment.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 9 months ago

They barely let anyone out of jail who is sick at all. Some poeple in jail have cancer, and they don't get sent out or anything,

by fenix1

17 years, 8 months ago

anyone else feel like stuffing her into the containment unit?