Did you get any Ghostbusters Christmas gifts this year?

by OptimusFord

13 years, 3 months ago

My wife gave me for Christmas this year a Ghostbusters blanket, wallet, belt buckle and car air freshener.

Peter Venkman

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 3 months ago

yah gotta post pics smile

I'll post later once all my presents are opened

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 3 months ago

Not for me but for my baby sister who will born next month: got the Spencer´s GB blanket and a couple of plushs from Ebay. I hope she loves ´em smile

by jettajeffro

13 years, 3 months ago

My girlfriend got me a set of the RGB mini-mates and the Sam Hain/Janine 2 pack. I got my girlfriend the GB blanket, Puft pillow, and handmade Puft earrings off Etsy. I also got the pint glass from Spencers in our team's white elephant gift exchange.

by OptimusFord

13 years, 3 months ago

nice stuff.

My mom also got me Vigo, it didn't arrive yet so she wrapped a piece of paper with Vigo printed on it and it said I'm on my way lol.

by baylorar

13 years, 2 months ago

My parents know someone who is good at art stuff so they gave him my college graduation picture and told him to watch the movie ghostbusters. He then drew a caricature of my face on a ghostbusters body. Pretty cool and unique smile

by flameboy2

13 years, 2 months ago

I got a few bits this year. The first I knew about which was 2 of the 12“ Mattel figures, Egon and Winston. My sister in law got me the Ready to Believe You 6” Egon which is great just because of the library ghost! My Wife surprised me with the Lucy Bishoujo statue, and my sister really shocked me by getting me the Timelife RGB complete collection.

I also had my loose Vigo figure arrive from ebay today which was kind of a Christmas gift to myself.

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 2 months ago

I got Real Ghostbusters Volume 1. I had it but then loaned it to a neighbor who ended up moving away with it an another movie. She never mailed them back.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

13 years, 2 months ago

My step-sister got me a new “slimed” wallet since mine was getting worn out.

My girlfriend got me the pint glass.

And “This Ain't ‘Ghostbusters’”.