Die Hard 4.0

by matthew1

17 years, 8 months ago

I also saw this movie in NY on the day of release. It's good. It's not as good as any of the first three movies in my opinion but it's still good. My major gripe is that it just doesn't feel like a Die Hard movie. Sure its got McLana in it but other than that it just isn't a Die Hard.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 8 months ago

“Live free or DieHard” is the action movie of the season.
It's a true destruction derby and you wonder how the movie makers survived while doing it.
The action doesn't stop. Sometimes exaggerated on purpose, you swallow everything easily.
You go “Wohh!”, “Ouch!”, “WoW!” If you don't say it loud, you'll shout it in your head for at least one scene.

Maclaine is back to a “normal life” when another incident occurred; it's the “all hacker's fantasy” married to the “diehard” concept when a program, made to corrupt the whole system, is used by an ex-agent of the government who plans to steal all the country's money. Maclaine teams up with a young progammer to help him in his quest.

If you were sleeping in front of “transformers”, now prepare sleeping pills for the night. A movie to watch at least twice in theater.

There's something funny in that movie; you feel like “diehard” slapped the face of the “terminator” team, when a bullet hit the “t200” figure. A couple minutes later, Maclaine teams up with a young progammer fights against the bad boss's girlfriend. A well trained martial art fighter. “Terminator” was always seen like one of the best action movie made and, when the third came out, the big surprise was to see Arnorld in duel with a woman. A new and improve android. But the fight was a bit… disappointing. “Live free or diehard” teach you this: if you want a good fight, take two well trained humans instead of wasting your money on any robot company. “DieHard” make you think: that's what was supposed to happen in “terminator3”! And, like if it wasn't enough, “diehard” elevates even more the action difficulty level!

“Live free or diehard” also contain many positive messages for teenagers.
Like: life is not only a “system”, your actions are important, don't feel weak, believe in yourself. In “transformers”, to give strength, a military shouts to a desperate kid: “you're a soldier now”. Are we on the edge of a new world war to feel the need to motivate/prepare the teenagers through the movie industry?

I didn't see the bad guy as a “real” bad guy.
He was another man who understand that money is the roots of all evil.
When the fbi panics at the idea of seeing the world turn into “stone age”, if the economical system drops, you smile at the human stupidity: the world does not depend on money, it depends on its intelligence. It's only a matter of education, to turn a system into a free and mature world. If religion can brainwash a whole society with a “supposed truth”, taking advantage of “youth” and “spiritually lost” persons, making them even kill in the name of “something”, while some of them grows up and fall confused, like any person in a corrupted nation, a true education based on the human intelligence/wisdom/capacity can, on its side, restore order in disturbed circonstences, without the need of an economical concept or religion. But, of course, today, religion or not, it's a big carnival turning around control and power. Even if you try to change things, they won't let you. And that's what makes the bad guy in “live free or diehard”; he's another one who tries to be king of the world. Well, it's a rule to put things this way or “live free or diehard” would have end with another sequel to see how america is building a new world, based on human value, without the need of a nuclear bomb or bacterial attack, while fighting again against “power hungry” people where Maclaine would show up and save the day.

Yes, “Live free or die hard” is a great movie!

by gbandrew1

17 years, 8 months ago

Did you write that or did you pull that from somewhere? O.o

by newrecruit1

17 years, 8 months ago

Made it, why?

(Oh boy, finaly… my english became good after all that time (^_^)
:-( naaa I still take like half an hour to be sure that everything is readable and that it realy corresponds to my thoughts
I feel miserable :-( :p :-) )

by gbandrew1

17 years, 8 months ago

Made it, why?

(Oh boy, finaly… my english became good after all that time (^_^)
:-( naaa I still take like half an hour to be sure that everything is readable and that it realy corresponds to my thoughts
I feel miserable :-( :p :-) )

Oh, Im just applauding you writing a thought out review. Not sure if it was pulled from somewhere or not.

by heslimedme251

17 years, 8 months ago

Seen it twice, loved it both times! defo good to see that Bruce Willis can still play McClane so well. And I loved the little references to the first three films…especially got a laugh out of the Agent Johnson reference.

And as for Evil Dead & Sam Raimi, he is pegged as being involved in remaking the first Evil Dead (big mistake) without Bruce Campbell (even bigger mistake) but fear not as Bruce Campbell is involved in an Evil Dead spinoff film My Name Is Bruce where he is mistaken for his character from the Evil Dead films and is brought in to fight 'real" deadites! Ooooo.


by Shauna

17 years, 7 months ago

This is my second favourite film I've seen this year!

by misfit1

17 years, 7 months ago

And as for Evil Dead & Sam Raimi, he is pegged as being involved in remaking the first Evil Dead (big mistake) without Bruce Campbell (even bigger mistake) but fear not as Bruce Campbell is involved in an Evil Dead spinoff film My Name Is Bruce where he is mistaken for his character from the Evil Dead films and is brought in to fight 'real" deadites! Ooooo.


Eh, Sam always said he'd remake ED1 given the chance, there was so much he hated about that movie.

by GrimSanto

17 years, 7 months ago

This was one of the best movies of the summer. Bruce Wills still a great action star.

by venky1

17 years, 7 months ago

i loved this movie, but i hated the dubbing over of all the R-rated lines with the pg-13 ones. can't wait for the r version