Do anyone out here attend conventions? Comic, anime, tv, fantasy, etc?

by IrieMangaStudios

15 years, 7 months ago

Will be attending Chicago Comic Con on August 6th through 9th weekend but like to see what conventions and type all the Ghostheads out there attend if any.

Adrian Adams

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

I was a frequent attendee at Anime Weekend Atlanta…but over the years my interest in anime was dwindled to the point of viewing most of what is new and popular as just plan crap so I just stopped going

by IrieMangaStudios

15 years, 7 months ago

I was a frequent attendee at Anime Weekend Atlanta…but over the years my interest in anime was dwindled to the point of viewing most of what is new and popular as just plan crap so I just stopped going

Yeah, I understand, kept running into Narutards all the time (One Piece follow behind by Bleach and Ultimate Hellsing as my main current favorite anime). Now only attend to promote my artwork and fan art x-overs (Ghostbusters w/ any supernatural-theme anime). Some eyebrows have been raised on my fan art on the Canadian cartoons like the Total Drama series. Go fig. Many the animation industry is not all dead yet.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

I went to NYCC this year for a day… my first Con ever.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, but would like to actually go with someone if I went again, and would like to explore a bit more… I really only went to get a look at the Ghostbusters figures, and play the demo of the video game back in February.

Still, though, it was really fun. And I met some pretty cool Ghosbusters fans as well.

by UltimateGBfan

15 years, 7 months ago

My team will be at Dragon*Con next month,will be my first Con appearance ever.

by jettajeffro

15 years, 7 months ago

Starbase Indy 1996
Star Wars Celebration II 2002
Arizona Trek Con 2004
Star Wars Celebration III 2005
DarkCon 2006
Phoenix Animefest 2006
Phoenix ComiCon 2007
San Diego ComiCon 2007
Phoenix ComiCon 2008
San Diego ComiCon 2008
Phoenix ComiCon 2009
HorrorHound Weekend Indy 2009
San Diego ComiCon 2009

Never tried to compile a con list before that I've been to. All but two I was in GB gear. That's all I've attended other than the bi-monthly small toy and comic book fairs in a school gymnasium or hotel lobby.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 7 months ago

Will be attending Chicago Comic Con on August 6th through 9th weekend but like to see what conventions and type all the Ghostheads out there attend if any.

Adrian Adams

Im going to WWchicago, hope to have a good time

by IrieMangaStudios

15 years, 7 months ago

Im going to WWchicago, hope to have a good time

Look for me in Artist Alley, trying to promote my work and do commissions…

by Nix

15 years, 7 months ago

The only one I attend is ChicagoTARDIS, but I am looking into ACen next year.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 7 months ago

SIGGRAPH 2009. That's a Animator Convention. Not really for fans but for people really serious about the field.