I believe in something logical, something that we'll never truly understand as long we're in the world of the living.
And I believe this community is a good exemple of this logical element

I saw a documentary not so long ago, where they said that the Jesus story was a “copy/paste” from another culture. They said Rome had a difficulty in its moral values, it needed something to reunite its people in one single concept; Rome discovered this other culture (something near Egypt), its History, and decided that the “son, father, etc” were one entity, that is was Rome's History.
This culture have heard about it and came to Rome to say that their so called “History” was strangely similar to their own, that in fact it was an adaptation; Rome killed them and its entire nation; after that, all who didn't believe were killed, to keep Rome strong and prevent it from falling in anarchy. Archaeology discovered recently walls of hieroglyphs telling that this nation survived in exile; that's how they have learnt about what happened.