Do you beleive in God?

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 8 months ago


I realize GBHQ has closed, and I welcome you back, but why for did you come back to the place you ran from and complained about? Wasn't the initial compliant about GBN that the rules and such were too strict? So you hop into a “is there a god” thread….what could possibly happen?

Lets just remain civil here. As in no personal attacks, unless you're attacking me. Because I can handle it, I'm a big boy. Its my birthday on the 7th, Imma be THIS many.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 8 months ago

Well, like you said, my real home turf's gone the way of the dodo. So now I'm both here and at GBFans. Maybe I'll eventually settle for one or the other, but right now, it's a dead heat.

So far, the kid gloves and lack of anyone who knows how to have fun and crack jokes here is starting to chafe (Back at Net's board, twisting a sarcastic remark into a movie quote might've garnered applause. With the exception of Master Spider, those guys knew how to have a good time).

Meanwhile most of AJ's posters are fans of the movie continuity and handcrafting $1,000 replicas of things, and I prefer writing, drawing, and EGB…so finding common ground is a serious uphill struggle.

Basically, I'm caught trying to decide which one makes a better pillow, the rock or the hard place. Not a fun position to be in.

But it's good to know at least one person here is willing to at least make the claim that he can take it on the chin in the name of a few laughs.

On a related note, I had a funny rash about a week ago…it's gone now, and I'm sure it was nothing…but you still might want to tell your mother to get checked out by a doctor. ZING!

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

Actually, attacking you would be against the rules, no matter how good you may be at “handling” it. Attacking anyone is against the rules, that's what is keeping us civil right now.

At the topic at hand, asking a question like this is just opening up a can of worms, as something like this CAN offend someone. It may not be intentional, but a topic like this opens up to a strong amount of opinions about the exsistance of God or the question of any other religous beleif.

Opinions can hurt, since there are quiet possibly some strong religious beleivers on this board. Now I am not saying this topic should be locked, far from it, it's an intresting discussion and, if you will, debate. I think we're pretty well aware, this is probably not gonna be the last time there is a quarl of some sort in this thread.


by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 8 months ago

See, you're now just deliberately missing the point.

JOKES are not ATTACKS. No rules are freaking being broken. The reality of the situation is you're just getting way overdramatic about witty quips. You need to chill out and stop taking yourself so seriously.

Now we can get back to talking about God if you like. I'm done with any sort of point I was trying to make and I have no more questions to answer or people to respond to.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

I was NOT talking to you. I was replying to PussBucket. (*egon)

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 8 months ago

I knew that already, what I said still applies. There has not once been any actual “attacking” going on in this thread. Just wit and people too sensitive to handle it.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

How does that apply? I was commenting on HIS POST about when he saying people should attack him becaue he can handle it. While he was most likely joking I pointed that it would against the rules anyway. I NEVER stated in that post that anyone was attacking, yet you say I was being to serious about myself because I was clarifying something?

On top of that, I WAS ON TOPIC, as I was talking about the dicussion of God and how it CAN get it out and hand, and that a qurral about it is most likely gonna start again. And you can't say that the arguement Matthew had about you calling him “son” wasn't a quarl, cause it was. It might not have been an attack, but for that quick while it certianly did start. Small things in here already started up, but ended quickly, and I suspect it's not gonna be the last of it.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 8 months ago

Peter Venkmen
While he was most likely joking I pointed that it would against the rules anyway.

And this is the point I was making. Why would you ever use the phrase “most likely” there? That means there's a small amount of doubt in your mind, when there shouldn't be ANY doubt because the joke is OBVIOUS. This proves the problem is that YOU take things too seriously.

Peter Venkmen
On top of that, I WAS ON TOPIC, as I was talking about the dicussion of God and how it CAN get it out and hand

Well that's not the part I was responding to.

Peter Venkmen
And you can't say that the arguement Matthew had about you calling him “son” wasn't a quarl, cause it was.

Oh yes I can disagree with you on that one.

But I won't bother getting into it, because we SHOULD get back on topic. Otherwise, you and I will be arguing over what is and what isn't a joke or attack all damn night at this rate, and it'll just end with one or both of us getting heavily moderated.

So I'm done, I'm dropping it, God is the subject again. Talk about God.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

You should of just said, “Lets just drop it” without posting a bunch of things that are just asking to start up it again.

Whatever. I was already on topic. (*egon)

by castewar1

16 years, 8 months ago

God dammit (on topic)!

Just everyone stop now - this race to the last word sucks.

If the next post continues the non-God talk, this little mod light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.