Do you beleive in God?

by matthew1

16 years, 8 months ago

I am now thoroughly convinced there is no god!

by AdamBestler

16 years, 8 months ago

The innermost circle of hell is reserved strictly for betrayers, mutineers, murderers, your mom, and Ghostbusters fans. How do you like me right now?

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

I am now thoroughly convinced there is no god!

I was convinced of that long before this topic started. :p

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

Here's an unusual, possibly hypocritical item on my part.

I am a staunch atheist, But one of my favorite items in the whole world is my St. Jude Medallion.

For those who don't know. St. Jude is the patron saint of Lost Causes.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

That's pretty strange. Unless the reason is you really like the way it's designed.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

Peter Venkmen
That's pretty strange. Unless the reason is you really like the way it's designed.

I believe in the symbolism behind it, and ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you that said symbolism fits me to a T.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

Well that's good to know. Can't really say the same for me, as I symbolize the character Rocky. That may sound stupid, he's a work of fiction, but his character represents determination against all odds, and a lot of us can relate to that.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Well that's good to know. Can't really say the same for me, as I symbolize the character Rocky. That may sound stupid, he's a work of fiction, but his character represents determination against all odds, and a lot of us can relate to that.

No offense, But i'm willing to bet NOTHING about you relates to Rocky in any way, shape, or form.

I mean, at least i'm honest in saying i'm pretty much a lost cause. Saying you're like Rocky Balboa is just self aggrandizing and arrogant. What have you done that could even compare to the kind of scope?

Allow me to speak metaphorically for a moment. Keep in mind. The next few sentences is ENTIRELY metaphorical and should not be interpreted literally.

Since you're like Rocky Balboa, When did you fight Apolo Creed? When did you go in as the underdog and defy all expectations on a scale so grand the whole world took notice? When did that happen, sir?

by matthew1

16 years, 8 months ago

I think that Peter Venkmans just referring to determination and will. Few of us have for instance acheived anything close to the heights of defeating a champion in the boxing ring but many manage to overcome the odds and acheive goals and aspirations on a smaller scale.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 8 months ago

many manage to overcome the odds and acheive goals and aspirations on a smaller scale.

Examples would be nice. I'm with Holbrook, I don't think anyone here has ever done something where they used willpower to beat odds.

Unless you count getting out of bed and going to work when you would rather sleep in as using determination to overcome adversity, I just don't believe those kind of scenarios exist in the everyday life of normal human beings..