Do you beleive in God?

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 8 months ago

Meh. Religion is a great comfort to some people I'm sure, but I don't need it.

In fact, I think I'd rather not exist when I die, Heaven always sounded pretty boring to me, seeing how all the good things in life are sins.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

I believe there's no “Heaven” or “Hell”, it is only what will remain in our essence that will decide how chaotic our futur will be…

The sins are only a concept made to “balance” a civilisation.

“Lust” was made to protect life and its values. In the past, contraception wasn't very popular; many life ended in misery. And how many love affairs are still taking a wrong turn today. There's no problem in having fun, but we must take our responsability and respect our relationship.

“Gluttony” was made to keep a balance in everything that we consume; now, we're taking everything from mother nature, and the weather is falling on us.

“Greed” was made to keep us from destroying another “social shelter” by taking what someone else has or by keeping everything for ourself in spite the social needs.

“Sloth” was made to push people at develloping their values, to add what they can in life.

“Wrath”, well, like we say “Stay cool, overreacting won't lead you anywhere” :p :-)

“Envy”, let's say it's better to enjoy life and devellop our own qualities… than begging what someone else has or lose ourself in negatives actions.

“Pride”, it's normal to be proud of our actions, but to think “I'm special”… give me a break.

These rules were made to create the “civilisation”; a structured place where everyone can find some security and happyness, when everyone is working for this objective. These sins, to my view, have nothing “deadly”; but negative actions lead to negative results. But, in the “young ages”, let's not forget, the law of the sword was also the leading authority.

Today we have everything. Our technologies and ressources are soo big that we have ignored its limits. Depending where we are on Earth, the civilisation is better than what it was in the dark age. But we are now forgetting why it is so important to respect and understand our similars. Our moral values (not religion) are not teach in schools or the media. We don't need to speak about God, Jesus, or the Holy Grail, we need to speak about the values a person has/can develop and what a person can accomplish, how our biology influences our behaviour, and, of course, learn how to work for humanity and not money.

Like Ozzy said:
“Your higher power may be God or jesus christ
It doesnt really matter much to me
Without each others help there aint no hope for us
I'm living in a dream, a fantasy”

by eatingfood1

16 years, 8 months ago

I do. it's kinda strange, i DO think there is a god/God, but I really dont have a ‘religion’ per say. I dont read the bible, and I dont go to church. I pray, but only in solitude. I only speak to the one true God, and not all the church bable and bablers. Maybe God isnt a ghost-like being at all. maybe the universe it self IS God. no one knows. I think we as mortals, we're not meant to know. if we caught a glimpse of the heavens, while still mortal, we would be irrreaversivly insane.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 8 months ago

I think we as mortals, we're not meant to know. if we caught a glimpse of the heavens, while still mortal, we would be irrreaversivly insane.

You know… that can do a good movie (*egon)

by castewar1

16 years, 8 months ago

I think we as mortals, we're not meant to know. if we caught a glimpse of the heavens, while still mortal, we would be irrreaversivly insane.

That's very mythos of you. Lovecraft would approve.

by AdamBestler

16 years, 8 months ago

BEHOLD! The one true God!

*Choir Ahh*

TREMBLE BEFORE HIS MAGNIFICENCE! AND GIVE HIM LOTS OF MONEY!!! DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! REPENT, AND THOU WILT BE SAVED! The non-believers will be condemned to live with L. Ron Hubbard and his followers on a boat floating in the middle of unprotected waters.

by Demonbuster

16 years, 8 months ago

God exists whether or not you “believe” in him. Count on it.

by Only_Zuul

16 years, 8 months ago

Adam Bestler
BEHOLD! The one true God!

*Choir Ahh*

TREMBLE BEFORE HIS MAGNIFICENCE! AND GIVE HIM LOTS OF MONEY!!! DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! REPENT, AND THOU WILT BE SAVED! The non-believers will be condemned to live with L. Ron Hubbard and his followers on a boat floating in the middle of unprotected waters.
Uh… ok, where did you get that? *brings up site block list*

by AdamBestler

16 years, 8 months ago

Shut up when you're talking to me!!!!!!!

And furthermore, why the hell are we discussing God on here? Posting a subject like that is just . . . you just don't do it. I don't know what else to say.

by matthew1

16 years, 8 months ago

Adam Bestler
Shut up when you're talking to me!!!!!!!

And furthermore, why the hell are we discussing God on here? Posting a subject like that is just . . . you just don't do it. I don't know what else to say.

This is the miscellaneous section which means that we can discuss anything that we want as long as we obey the rules of the site. What's wrong with talkiing about the existence of god?