Do you beleive in God?

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

You can't disprove religion? Bullshit, i'll do it right now.

If there is a god, may he strike me down right now. I'm ready to go. TAKE ME LORD! I DARE YOU! END MY LIFE NOW!

Exactly. Nothing happened. And I don't want to hear that crap about god's plan or any of that crap the religious freaks use to justify the fact that their god, who apparently exists, does absolutely NOTHING all the goddamned time.

Religion is nothing but a form of CONTROL and a means to make human beings feel special. Human Beings just love to feel special. Whats more special than being the chosen people of the almighty force in the universe?

Look there was a day, where I used to pray. Back when I was a young man and a better person. Yup. Ol' Holbrook actually used to ask for god's help. Ya know how many of my prayers the man upstairs answered? Precisely. Friggin. Zero. Kinda gets annoying when you see everyone around you succeed and get what they want, then when you ask THE FUCKING GOD for help with your problems, he turns a deaf friggin' ear to you. YOUR god answered NONE of my prayers, and he damned sure didn't “Speak to my heart”. Hell, in some cases YOUR god allowed me heart to be ripped out, stomped on, then jammed up my ass sideways. But he loves me, Right? Bull.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 8 months ago

I don't believe you know my guard, don't profess to know my spiritual life because you don't.

Religion and believing in a God are two entirely different things, and religion is nothing but an opiate to the masses - as I referenced what Marx said early on in this thread.

So good job Bo, you disproved one religion. Now go disprove Deists who blieve that God set everything in motion and just watches it. Oh wait, you can't.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

I personally don't care what everyones religion is. You have your own beleif, and I have mine. As long as we get a long, I don't have a problem with what you beleive in.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

Now go disprove Deists who blieve that God set everything in motion and just watches it. Oh wait, you can't.

That sounds like that ol' “God works in mysterious ways” crap that the Christians like to pull. Face it. Crap like that is just the stuff religious wingnuts fabricate to help themselves out.

“I don't believe in god. Can't see him. Don't exist.”

“well, my god just made everything and just sits around watching us! so nyeh!”

“Wow, Your god sounds like a lazy pothead.”

You can quote all the self serving proverbs ya want. Doesn't make god real. I'm fairly sure i've mocked god enough consistently for like 10 years now that you'd think whatever God is up there would have struck me with a friggin' bolt of lightning by now.

I challenge you to name one instance where you know for a fact that any sort of deity intervened in your life in any way. Just once.

by matthew1

16 years, 8 months ago

I don't beleive in god but GHOSTBUSTERS IS MY RELIGION!

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

I call in the faith of The Fonzie! Eh!!!! :p

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

I don't beleive in god but GHOSTBUSTERS IS MY RELIGION!

Ya know, I had actually brought up the idea before of a belief system based on the kind of afterlife presented in Ghostbusters.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

Bo Holbrook
I don't beleive in god but GHOSTBUSTERS IS MY RELIGION!

Ya know, I had actually brought up the idea before of a belief system based on the kind of afterlife presented in Ghostbusters.

That's not gonna be anymore true than what real relgion has to offer.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

Peter Venkmen
Bo Holbrook
I don't beleive in god but GHOSTBUSTERS IS MY RELIGION!

Ya know, I had actually brought up the idea before of a belief system based on the kind of afterlife presented in Ghostbusters.

That's not gonna be anymore true than what real relgion has to offer.

Who are you to say what real religion is? That is condescending.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 8 months ago

Thats the thing, you are comparing a part to a whole. Not everyone believes that. Not everyone believes that whatever deity that exists intervenes in people's lives.

I don't profess that what I believe in is right for everybody else, because thats just simply foolish. I believe in what I believe because it's right for me. And honestly there is no need for me to attempt to justify that to anyone but myself.

Nonetheless, this entire tangent is offtopic. This thread is about whether one believes i nthe existance of a God or not; and it was swerved somehow to whether or not religions can be proven/disproven. Religion isn't the same thing as a deity, religion is a man made thing that we can understand and study and crunch numbers on. Whether their faith is unfounded or not is going to differ from person to person due to different agents of socialization. Your standard of viewing things does not apply in Uganda, and their standards won't hold up if applied to you.