Do you beleive in God?

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 8 months ago

I don't beleive in god but GHOSTBUSTERS IS MY RELIGION!

Dude…is that really necessary? This is already a community just for people who like Ghostbusters. Look at your avatar and signature. After four years and 925 posts, don't you think you should have come up with an identity that's more than just “I really like Ghostbusters” by now?

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

Bo Holbrook
Who are you to say what real religion is? That is condescending.

And who are you to say what fake religion is? Exactly. Making up your own beleif isn't gonna be any better that what you're doing to try to disprove it by making a bunch of stupid evidence senarios.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

Okay let's get back on topic.

Do I look like I need jesus? Seriously? There's this guy who comes into my work who gives me Watchtowers ALL THE TIME. He singles me out SPECIFICALLY and tries to “Rap” with me about god. There's TONS of other people in the store, but he singles me out from everyone else. So this made me suspicious. Upon querying some friends, including my lady, I found that some of them do, in fact, believe that I need some sort of religion in my life, regardless of what it is. I disagree.

What do you fellas think?

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 8 months ago

If you don't think you do, then I don't think you do. You seem to have a rather complete life without some form of religion, then why would you need to add one?

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

If you don't think you do, then I don't think you do. You seem to have a rather complete life without some form of religion, then why would you need to add one?

Actually my life is pretty hollow and empty by conventional standards. All I do is sit around all day smoking cigarettes and drinking beer.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 8 months ago

Well if you feel unsatisfied with your life, maybe you should seek out something. Not nessecarily religion but maybe a few more hobbies, maybe take some classes at a community college. Something to make you feel satisfied. I can highly reccomend taking two years worth of classes and becoming a Mortician, it's a fun job.

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 8 months ago

Holbrook, you gots a job, a home, and a signifigant other. It may be a bad job but that's not the point. According to convention, you actually do have everything you need.

The “I don't do anything all day” part is just lack of a hobby, and praying isn't a form of entertainment, that won't fill the boredom void.

Besides, if you went and found Jesus on me, I'd might feel the need to put you down like a race horse with a broken leg.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

I have a full life without any sort of religion, and I have a lot of different hobbies.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

Well if you feel unsatisfied with your life, maybe you should seek out something. Not nessecarily religion but maybe a few more hobbies, maybe take some classes at a community college. Something to make you feel satisfied. I can highly reccomend taking two years worth of classes and becoming a Mortician, it's a fun job.

I enjoy nothing and i'd never have the drive nor the patience for 2 years of school.

by boholbrook1

16 years, 8 months ago

Holbrook, you gots a job, a home, and a signifigant other. It may be a bad job but that's not the point. According to convention, you actually do have everything you need.

The “I don't do anything all day” part is just lack of a hobby, and praying isn't a form of entertainment, that won't fill the boredom void.

Besides, if you went and found Jesus on me, I'd might feel the need to put you down like a race horse with a broken leg.

Never said I was gonna find Jesus. I just think it's weird some people think I need some sort of religion in my life.