Do you beleive in God?

by mdp872105

16 years, 8 months ago

This thread is just sad. :-(

by TheRazorsEdge

16 years, 8 months ago

In my many years of internet nerdery, I've found that “sad” is what you get every single time you bring up religion on a message board.

If there's a list of clichéd topic titles anywhere out there, “Do you believe in God?” is near the top, just under “How many people here are still virgins?”

by Kingpin

16 years, 8 months ago

Bo Holbrook
I enjoy nothing.

Well that's a lie. You wouldn't spend time with Jeff or Jen if you didn't enjoy their company. You wouldn't have faught so passionately defending Nightsquad if you didn't enjoy it doing it back in the day.
You wouldn't have spent all those years on Bill's board and Net's if there wasn't something you enjoyed.

Some times your tough guy persona makes you come out with some real howlers.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

Let's not forget if you didn't enjoy Ghostbusters, you wouldn't even be on all the Ghostbuster related Message Boards. Unless they're paying you to post there.

by matthew1

16 years, 8 months ago

I don't beleive in god but GHOSTBUSTERS IS MY RELIGION!

Dude…is that really necessary? This is already a community just for people who like Ghostbusters. Look at your avatar and signature. After four years and 925 posts, don't you think you should have come up with an identity that's more than just “I really like Ghostbusters” by now?

What do you mean by that?

by castewar1

16 years, 8 months ago

He's saying that given the amount you've posted here, plus your avatar, going so far to specifically comment that Ghostbusters is your religion says to him that you have no other personal identity beyond Ghostbusters.

by matthew1

16 years, 8 months ago

He's saying that given the amount you've posted here, plus your avatar, going so far to specifically comment that Ghostbusters is your religion says to him that you have no other personal identity beyond Ghostbusters.

I don't know how he can comment on my personal identity. He doesn't know me. He isn't aware of my entire personal identity, only one peice of it which is my Ghostbusters fanaticism and that is because his only exposure to me as a person is through this particular site. For instance, my avatar displays the Ghostbusters logo because I like it and because beleive it or not this is a Ghostbusters site, so it kind of makes sence to use it here. I regularly visit many other sites which have nothing to do with Ghostbusters where I use avatars which are related to the site in question. I also hope he didn't take it literally when I announced that Ghostbusters was my religion. I don't pray to Aykroyd, worship Gozor or anything like that. It was a joke which I thought was pretty obvious. I do have a huge passion for Ghostbusters though!

And now back to the topic!

by eatingfood1

16 years, 8 months ago

I got more theory on why ppl question faith: Bad things happen to good ppl, good things happen to bad ppl, right? Than one says, ‘why wont God step in?" I think theres a good reason why the higher power CANT. God can only show you the door. he cant walk you threw it with you he cant think, and do for you. thats all on you. he cant interfear with our lives, only teach, and guide us. He wants us to more or less figure it out on our own. So, when some one says, ’God, if your there, kill me now!' and than nothing happans, one says, ‘you see, nothing happens…there for he’s not real…' I think he cant act on us & cant think for us. hence, the saying: He cant take us threw the door, only show it to us.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 8 months ago

I didn't go through that test to see if God is real or not. But I do think that if God is real, and he's suppose to be protecting us, he's not doing a very good job of it, considering what's been happening lately. I think that is the main reason that some people are losing their faith.

Even so, the stories in the bible are no doubt highly questionable, which is one of the reasons I fail to beleive in it. That's not to say I'm a bad person, becasue just because you don't have a religion doesn't mean that you're automatically satin.

I beleive in doing good things, and helping others when I can. But I don't follow the bible, or go to church.

by matthew1

16 years, 8 months ago

I got more theory on why ppl question faith: Bad things happen to good ppl, good things happen to bad ppl, right? Than one says, ‘why wont God step in?" I think theres a good reason why the higher power CANT. God can only show you the door. he cant walk you threw it with you he cant think, and do for you. thats all on you. he cant interfear with our lives, only teach, and guide us. He wants us to more or less figure it out on our own. So, when some one says, ’God, if your there, kill me now!' and than nothing happans, one says, ‘you see, nothing happens…there for he’s not real…' I think he cant act on us & cant think for us. hence, the saying: He cant take us threw the door, only show it to us.

How does god show you the door?