Do you really think murray will say no?

by Yourbigpalal83

14 years, 1 month ago

That seems to be the million dollar question at the moment. Will the guy break the hearts of legions of his fans, and turn it down or will he cave in and say what the hell?

I remember not to long ago a interview with him (i forget where) basicly saying i want the first one to be remembered, im very proud of it, i hated the 2nd one, and dont want to ruin the franchise making a lame 3rd one, but then again it might be fun and i miss hanging out with the guys so…

That, and not too much after he showed up at the spike awards in full uniform so building hype, so the real question is..

Will he break all our hearts or go ahead with it. We know he's got the script. Has he read it, has he even opened it, is it sitting on a nightstand or coffee table in his pad untouched?

Is he just yessing us to death?

I gota be honest, bill is a great actor, but he kinda to me atleast comes off as a jerk. Thats just IMHO. I dont know the guy, never met him, so i cant say for sure, but as a fan, as much as i want to see him back in grey with the rest of the guys, frankly i can do without him. yes hes a key component of the ghostbusters, but to me, ray, winston and Egon were really the hard core serious team members where as venkman was always kinda a jerk and a big goof. Yes, i know thats the source of his charm too, but still..he never fully seemed dedicated and it kinda pisses me off that this whole film, millions of fans, most of the actors and directors wanting so badly to do it, and sony just says, ok, if murry says yes, we'll do it without him, no chance in hell.

Even in the game, murry seemed like he was more phoning it in, in some scenes.

Sry if ive turned this into a murry hate fest, i really do like the guy, hes funny, a great actor, but im just uneasy with him holding this franchise, one he dident create, he dident write the script, infact, he was a replacement for john belushi after he died (its true) to hold up Dan's pride and joy and achevement of a lifetime and a carrer, and that he now alone holds the power to eather do it our break all our hearts and say no.

What do you guys think?

by shaunryan825

14 years, 1 month ago

That seems to be the million dollar question at the moment. Will the guy break the hearts of legions of his fans, and turn it down or will he cave in and say what the hell?

I remember not to long ago a interview with him (i forget where) basicly saying i want the first one to be remembered, im very proud of it, i hated the 2nd one, and dont want to ruin the franchise making a lame 3rd one, but then again it might be fun and i miss hanging out with the guys so…

That, and not too much after he showed up at the spike awards in full uniform so building hype, so the real question is..

Will he break all our hearts or go ahead with it. We know he's got the script. Has he read it, has he even opened it, is it sitting on a nightstand or coffee table in his pad untouched?

Is he just yessing us to death?

I gota be honest, bill is a great actor, but he kinda to me atleast comes off as a jerk. Thats just IMHO. I dont know the guy, never met him, so i cant say for sure, but as a fan, as much as i want to see him back in grey with the rest of the guys, frankly i can do without him. yes hes a key component of the ghostbusters, but to me, ray, winston and Egon were really the hard core serious team members where as venkman was always kinda a jerk and a big goof. Yes, i know thats the source of his charm too, but still..he never fully seemed dedicated and it kinda pisses me off that this whole film, millions of fans, most of the actors and directors wanting so badly to do it, and sony just says, ok, if murry says yes, we'll do it without him, no chance in hell.

Even in the game, murry seemed like he was more phoning it in, in some scenes.

Sry if ive turned this into a murry hate fest, i really do like the guy, hes funny, a great actor, but im just uneasy with him holding this franchise, one he dident create, he dident write the script, infact, he was a replacement for john belushi after he died (its true) to hold up Dan's pride and joy and achevement of a lifetime and a carrer, and that he now alone holds the power to eather do it our break all our hearts and say no.

What do you guys think?
Bill Murray really is a great actor but he should still be in ghostbusters 3 and i saw him on rewards thing on spike i like both movies and video game even though venkman is like that in them doesnt mean he shouldnt be in the movie and i think hell say they should make gb3 with Bill in it

by theling

14 years, 1 month ago

If he does reject it, I don't know how he'll be able to conduct himself in public.

Every interview he does they will hound him about it.
Every fan he sees will chastise him.
Every waking moment of the rest of his life will be filled with the shame of being the man who “destroyed” GBIII.

Dan mentioned that Bill has been offered “the role of a lifetime.” I have to wonder what that could be…

by Kingpin

14 years, 1 month ago

I think that the decision for Bill may be more difficult then a lot of people realise.

Despite how I felt in previous years, I now feel that Bill holds the franchise and the first movie close to him. It's become apparant he was very disappointed with how Ghostbusters II turned out, differing considerably from what he'd read prior to filming.

I think that disappointment is what led to his bitterness, and being so aloof about the franchise in general for so many of the years since 89. The game seems to have smoothed over a lot of the bad that happened with the theatrical sequel. His financials at the time aside, I don't believe he would've done the game if it hadn't met with his approval.

Which is why I feel he's still been reserved on Ghostbusters 3, he doesn't want to do it unless he feels it's a good sequel.

If he says No, it'll probably be because the film doesn't live up to his expectations.

For a long time, I too felt he was a jerk, but between the game and his cameo in Zombieland, it does feel like he's finally put the bad vibes behind him and has embraced Ghostbusters again.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 1 month ago

I think that the decision for Bill may be more difficult then a lot of people realise.

Despite how I felt in previous years, I now feel that Bill holds the franchise and the first movie close to him. It's become apparant he was very disappointed with how Ghostbusters II turned out, differing considerably from what he'd read prior to filming.

I think that disappointment is what led to his bitterness, and being so aloof about the franchise in general for so many of the years since 89. The game seems to have smoothed over a lot of the bad that happened with the theatrical sequel. His financials at the time aside, I don't believe he would've done the game if it hadn't met with his approval.

Which is why I feel he's still been reserved on Ghostbusters 3, he doesn't want to do it unless he feels it's a good sequel.

If he says No, it'll probably be because the film doesn't live up to his expectations.

For a long time, I too felt he was a jerk, but between the game and his cameo in Zombieland, it does feel like he's finally put the bad vibes behind him and has embraced Ghostbusters again.

I agree, i respect the fact that he doesn't want to ruin the franchise just to make sony money. I think this shows alot of respect to the fans, he wants us to have a good movie. In a way he is making everyone work really hard on this script, which is good for us. He is setting the bar for the quality of the film.

In the end i think he will say yes, but he will make us wait in anticipation.

by theo1361

14 years, 1 month ago

I never really thought he was a jerk if you look at his record other then Razors Edge he goes for quality and I respect that I liked GB2 but I wonder what it would be like if bill had more input on it i hope he does do GB3 but if not then ok with me id rather have quality not quantity and i think thats what he is going for and i gotta respect that

by slimelord1

14 years, 1 month ago

Hopefully he'll finally agree to do GB3. He's been the sole reason it hasn't gotten made for the past 20 years because he never wanted to do it. It's understandable he wants GB3 to be a quality movie and a worthy sequel before agreeing to do it but the cast isn't getting any younger and GB3 is becoming more of a now or never movie to make as time goes by.

by fusi0n1

14 years, 1 month ago

No I don't think he will.

He showed up in the Ghostbusters uniform at that awards night.

Think about it.

Of all that he could have wore, he chose that outfit. Why? To cause even MORE hysteria about a third film, to get hounded and begged and asked about a third movie for the NEXT two decades? He didn't put it on to get hounded for a Zombieland sequel, I know that much.

He may not be happy with the second movie because he just assumed the script would have been as good as the first (same guys = same formula), so he's hopefully waiting for it to be fine tuned to something he will be proud of. Hopefully.

by Yourbigpalal83

14 years, 1 month ago

dont get me wrong i much rather have no sequel then a crappy 3rd film…ive seen plently of bad sequels in my day that ruined franchises dead in there tracks. (every highlander film past the first one is a prime example)

I just dont think its fair to murry to hold the fate of ghostbusters in his hands like he's the soul owner and creator of it.

Dan Aykroyd is the george lucas of ghostbusters, not murry, but murry always seems to get the credit. Ghostbusters and Murry are almost the same thing in a way and i just think that its kinda messed up, that he has so much power now over somthing that he really was a last moment replacement for.

NOT TO SAY his work in the films arent great. Vankman is such a memorable likable character. But its just messed up in my view, that ghostbusters while yes a collabrative creation (ivan told dan to scale back the script, harold co wrote the drafts with dan) that all of that hard work and creativity might go unwasted based simply on murrys mood at the time. Yes, i know its a show biz thing, (which i know all about) but really, if this thing goes south, who looses out. We the fans do and frankly its not fair to us who have carried a torch for this franchise for 22 years now!

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 1 month ago

dont get me wrong i much rather have no sequel then a crappy 3rd film…ive seen plently of bad sequels in my day that ruined franchises dead in there tracks. (every highlander film past the first one is a prime example)

I just dont think its fair to murry to hold the fate of ghostbusters in his hands like he's the soul owner and creator of it.

Dan Aykroyd is the george lucas of ghostbusters, not murry, but murry always seems to get the credit. Ghostbusters and Murry are almost the same thing in a way and i just think that its kinda messed up, that he has so much power now over somthing that he really was a last moment replacement for.

NOT TO SAY his work in the films arent great. Vankman is such a memorable likable character. But its just messed up in my view, that ghostbusters while yes a collabrative creation (ivan told dan to scale back the script, harold co wrote the drafts with dan) that all of that hard work and creativity might go unwasted based simply on murrys mood at the time. Yes, i know its a show biz thing, (which i know all about) but really, if this thing goes south, who looses out. We the fans do and frankly its not fair to us who have carried a torch for this franchise for 22 years now!

Perhaps you're not understanding this, but Murray has no more power than anyone else.

Aykroyd, Ramis, Murray, Reitman, and Sony each own 20% of the rights. To make another movie, they need a unanimous decision. If Ramis said “no” we'd be in the same boat. Murray just cares a lot about the franchise, and wants to make a good movie, not a special effects piece. If you can't respect that that's what he wants, and that he's not just holding out because he feels like being a pompous jerk, than that's on you. If it goes south, it will be going south because the script is not that good. Then its not we the fans who are losing out. We'd be losing out if Murray said yes to anything they could slap a GB logo on, and make the movie just to collect a paycheck. He wants a good movie, we want a good movie. If the script is as good as Reitman says, we have nothing to worry about. If its not that good, then Murray will say so, and then we don't get a crappy sequel. Good.