14 years, 1 month ago
14 years, 1 month ago
14 years, 1 month ago
14 years, 1 month ago
Ah yes well put. Also dident like the whole very defensive tone the guy took, like i was personally bashing murray, i wasnt but, hense is the internet i guess.
One question though. What is murrays ideal of good? Cause, while i get he as an actor needs to grow and cant be doing screwball comedies forever, short of his apparence in Zombieland, i have yet to see a single film he's done since groundhogs day that i liked. I liked him as an actor in lost in translation (but really he was just playing a version of himself in that) but i dident like the movie all that much.
Not to bring up those wes anderson films hes done which just seemed scarcastic and nasty to me. Again not murrays fault, he is a good actor, but, just saying, if thats his version of good ..idk man..
But to be fair, hes Bill Murray, I'm yourbigpalal83 posting on a ghostbusters blog so i guess more power to him. Just dont kill my dream bill…22 years waiting…common Murray..
14 years, 1 month ago
14 years, 1 month ago
14 years, 1 month ago
14 years, 1 month ago
i just think that its kinda messed up, that he has so much power now over somthing that he really was a last moment replacement for.
14 years, 1 month ago
i just think that its kinda messed up, that he has so much power now over somthing that he really was a last moment replacement for.
14 years, 1 month ago
Doctor Venkman;168594
You can't minimilize his part in the movie like that.
Belushi was a great comedian, but the film would have been very different if he was in it, and who knows if we would even like it the way we do.
Let alone that there was a lot of improv on the set, and Murray was responsible for a lot of that, as well as Aykroyd and Ramis.
Murray is not “really just a last moment replacement”. He is probably the biggest reason the movie is as successful as it was.