Does anyone else want a Lego Ghostbusters game!

by OptimusFord

15 years, 3 months ago

I have a small son and played all of the lego games and they are all a blast! I think if they would make a GB lego game it would be awes-a-LOT! whos with me!?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 3 months ago

I've only ever briefly played a Star Wars Lego game, but the reason that I briefly played it is I really don't see the appeal.

I'd get one if it came out, but as a general idea, I'll pass.

by Kingpin

15 years, 3 months ago

I've played through Lego Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Batman and enjoyed them all (although I prefer the latter two). I imagine a Lego Ghostbusters game would prove to be pretty fun.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 3 months ago

Can someone explain it to me though? What makes it so much fun?

Its just Lego graphics, blocky characters, instead of a realistic looking game like the one we have. Not that I think anyone is saying they'd rather have a Lego game to the current one, but what is the appeal? What sets the Lego games apart from the (in my case) preferred realistic looking games?

by bigtonay

15 years, 3 months ago

Sets them apart, the level of thinking. Their the type of game you can pick up and play any time. Lots of fun. Story is easy to follow since there's no talking just expressions. but the game can also require some thinking ie finding all of the hidden canisters and red blocks. And the way I see it, if Lego Ghostbusters TVG sells. Maybe we will finally get some Lego Ghostbuster Play sets.!!! 27 and I still love Legos. Is that sad? Please dont answer that. hehe

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 3 months ago

I cannot explain it for everyone else, but the reason to me that the Lego video game franchise are fun is that the games to not take the franchises seriously and inject humor into it. With “serious” franchise such as Star Wars…it’s a welcomed reprieve from the convoluted plots the most recent Star Wars games ::cough::Force Unleased::cough::; But for a series that is well known for being a comedy, I personally and not sure how exactly that would play out if they “Lego-ized” it.

Plus, it is just fun defeating enemies and watching them explode into Lego Pieces….Lego’s were my Sim City before I actually discovered Sim City. Build large, detailed objects and then DESTROY IT!…so ya…destroying things iz fun…

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 3 months ago

If they could make it work, yes.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 3 months ago

I think it'd probably work better if they did it in the way of “Lego Real Ghostbusters” or “Real Lego Ghostbusters” etc. That way they'd have much more freedom and could either go the way Lego Batman did and just base it on the “Batman Universe” (but in this case The Real Ghostbusters Universe) or actual episodes from the series.

by imported_E-DUBB

15 years, 3 months ago

i had a great time playing through Lego Batman. i would definetly support a Lego Ghostbusters game of any kind.

by mdp872105

15 years, 3 months ago

I could see this being done in one of two ways

1. They make it a real ghostbusters game and have a two parter game like lego batman. The first part obviously being ghostbusters going around busting ghost and solving a huge mystery in the process. The second being ghost based game.

2. They go with the orignal two movies and make a game based on the events of the game with filler like the Indiana jones game had. They would then simply turn around and force you to play the game again with all the unlocked characters.

either way would work for me but if they did make it i could see how they could each character unique. each one of course would have a proton pack stream and and a trap to throw but like in batman each one would have a little special ability they could use.
(*egon) would be able to use high tech equipment, kind of like robin from lego batman
(*ray) would be able to see hidden objects with his googles
(*peter)would be a charismatic character that would talk to people and get things done. similar to the riddler and female characters in lego batman
(*winston)would be tricky since he didn't really have a major role (even thou he was my favorite character.) but i could see him having a slime blower instead of a proton pack or proton pack with a slime blower upgrade. this could neutralize slime in the game.

what do ya'll think