Does anyone else want a Lego Ghostbusters game!

by GuruAskew

15 years, 3 months ago

There's a huge deal-breaker of an issue here:

There are no “Ghostbusters” Legos.

The other games all had them: there are actual “Star Wars” Legos just like there are actual “Indiana Jones” Legos and actual “Batman” Legos. The next one? Lego “Harry Potter”… based on the actual “Harry Potter” Legos.

Furthermore, there won't be any “Ghostbusters” Legos any time soon because Diamond Select/Art Asylum has the exclusive rights to minifigures (the Minimates) and this would prevent Sony/Columbia from making a deal with Lego.

On the other hand, I don't know what the situation with the video game rights is because Atari published the game but Terminal Reality was the developer. With the Lego games Traveler's Tales is the developer but the publisher changes. LucasArts has the rights to Indy and “Star Wars”, Warner Interactive has “Batman” and “Harry Potter” and they worked with EA/MTV on the Rock Band game so depending on whether or not Terminal Reality has any sort of claim to the video game rights I could see Traveler's Tales partnering with Atari but again, they wouldn't be able to use Lego.

Then you have the issue that Lego probably has deals in place with Traveler's Tales that prevent them from doing a project with a similar competitor's product like Minimates and again, you have something that just isn't ever going to happen.

Granted, Atari could probably just rip off the “Lego” game format and do “Ghostbusters Minimates” (Terminal Reality could probably even develop it) without Lego and Traveler's Tales but the only other game I can think of that shamelessly ripped off the Lego gameplay was “Spider-Man: Friend or Foe” which was a piece of crap.

The moral of the story? We got an above-average game utilizing authentic voices and likenesses and we should just be happy with what we got.

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 3 months ago

This would be a great idea… They could do what the GBTVG should have done… Just made a playable version of the movies!

by Venkman582

15 years, 2 months ago

If a Lego Ghostbusters game was made I don't think it would be to hard to get the license.

After all Spider-Man has both minimates and Lego sets, so why not Ghostbusters ? Also having played the NES versions of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II it would be nice to see a game that is well made and let's the players play through the films.

Count me in, as a fan who would gladly buy the game if it was made.

by thearcadian79

15 years, 2 months ago

Lego Ghostbusters would sell like coconuts in Hawaii!

by slimelord1

15 years, 1 month ago

I'd love for a Lego GB game to be made and TBPH wouldn't be surprised if it does. The GBs have gotten popular again and with the GB game having done relatively well, I'm sure we'll get more GB games not long from now and would bet a Lego GB game is being strongly considered.

by RickyM

15 years, 1 month ago

lol aaaah ghostbusters lego hmmm no thank you, i would much prefer a GB: TVG 2, i am screaming to go on another adventure with the ghostbusters

by slimelord1

15 years, 1 month ago

I personally want both a Lego GB game and a sequel to TVG.