does anyone have good condition loose 1st series for sale?

by ghostbustin

21 years, 7 months ago

I want the whole first series and would like to buy a loose set with proton packs, ghost and all from one seller. If thats to much to ask then i guess i will just have to buy them from different individuals.

p.s. i also need 2 egons, 1 winston, 1 peter, and 2 proton packs. i need these figs in the regular flight suits, it doesnt matter what series (1st, slimed, power pack, etc..)thanks for any and all help!

by erikghostbuster

21 years, 7 months ago

You will probably have trouble getting all that from one person. I have a loose Winston and Ray that I could sell both of them to you for $5 total. Email me at or respond to this post and let me know.

Erik Brenner

by ghostbustin

21 years, 7 months ago

ill send the money first thing tomorrow morning. thanks!!! :d