Does anyone know where I can buy a Ghostbusters suit?

by Chrisakamagic83

14 years, 8 months ago

i know exactly where you can buy one.


Search Khaki flightsuit and get either a tru-spec, Rothco if ur on a budget, or the…ah what is it cw—something or something like that i forget the number. ANYHOO. EBAY my friend.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 7 months ago

the ghostbusters allways wear it a little bit bigger, so they can pull it over the regular clothing (see gb1 /first bust)!
try Large (L)!
if it feels not right change it via retour!

Do they change it even when I´m buying from Mexico??

What flightsuit is the most accurate to the ones used on the movies? any site in special??

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 7 months ago

I've decided not to go through with it. The ebay site had sew on Ghostbusters signs you can put on and you have to pay $60 for them. I don't feel like doing that and I don't need 4. I need 1. So the heck with it!