How informative Vakman, you may aswell have not posted… would have saved you a few seconds.
Ih8gozer, it is near impossible to read the REAL Ghostbusters III script, unless of course you either know good ol' Dan. It exists in pure “working progress” status, that is to say, it has never been fully finished. And to be honest, it's god awful. The best thing you can do is get over to and check out the script reviews. It details it pretty well, but it seems like Dan's whole idea was a little off whack, a lot of it seems tacky, un-GB and stupid.
It follows and EGB stylr plot with four new YOUNGER Gbs being hired…. Puu-leease! No one wants that! You apparently never get to know the chracters properly, and you don't even find out their last names. If you ask me, Hellbent is an awful concept, and not to sound like a self promoted… but my fan script could run rings around it!