Does God or someone not want me to play this?

by JimPhelps

15 years, 7 months ago

This is intolerable! First, we get told about the game coming out, it is supposed to come out in October last year, then it didn't. Then I wait until yesterday to get it. Finally get the game, come home, play for about 10 minutes with of course XBL being down all day, and then the power goes out. Not just any power outage, the transformer behind my house blew up after being struck by lightning. My house was the only one on the whole block without power. Power doesn't come back on until 11am this morning. Now, ive spent about 3 hours on the phone with XBL and they tell me that the modem inside my Xbox has blown and needs to be fixed. So this means I can't play GBs for about 3 more weeks!

Can someone just shoot me with the pink slime already? I loved the game so far, I can't get enough of it and yet, something keeps coming up to prevent me from playing!

Do you think God's pissed with me?

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 7 months ago


you pissed off the all mighty somethin fierce

by rodie1

15 years, 7 months ago

I've never done this myself, but I've heard of people doing this. At GameStop if you buy a used item you can return it for a full refund within 7 days. I knew a guy who got RROD right when Resident Evil 5 came out and he did this without a problem (just return it in 7 days and you'll get your money back and will most likely have beaten the game by then). You'll still have your own hard drive so you'd still get all the achievements and save data. If this is something you're interested in just make sure you ask your GameStop about the policy (it is universal, but just in case). Again, I've never done it and I don't necessarily recommend it, but I imagine it would suck to have the game and not be able to play it. Hope everything works out for you.

by SockableClaw

15 years, 7 months ago

Hey TC, I feel ya.

I had been waiting for this game for two years. I had been dreaming of a Ghostbusters game like this ever since I was a wee little lad. I had my money saved up for this game. And what happens? My Xbox 360 had to get the RRoD last week (on Wednesday). It figures huh? Murphy's Law in effect!

I still bought this game, however, for the 360, and am just gonna wait until my 360 is repaired and shipped back to me so I can play this game. I also have a Wii, but I just don't consider the Wii version the “real” version of this game so thus I did not get it.

So I envy all of you who have played this already. Enjoy the game!

Say, anyone here got a 360 I can borrow for a while? Jk. :p