Does having too many Ghostbusters sites split the community?

by Spengler7

18 years, 5 months ago

another GB site… what would it offer that other sites don't offer

by matthew1

18 years, 5 months ago


Pictures from the movie
Behind the scenes photos
Promotional photos and posters
Concept drawings


Short Clips from the movie
TV interviews relating to the movie
Ghostbusters ads
TV spots


Soundtrack album
the score album
interviews with elmer bernstein. ray parker jr, the bus boys, mick smiley etc


A detailed merchandising museum of all the merchandising available to do with the movie with pictures and descriptions of the product, year of release and the company who made it.



Interviews with the actors, director and producer


Every script from first draught to final shooting script, how and why the scripts were changed and the ad libbing on set.

Aykroyds Tape:

About the viseotape aykroyd filmed to show reitman his idea.

Making Ghostbusters:

Scans of every page of the book.

The Novel:

Scans of every page.


Newspaper, mgazine, tv and online reviews of the movie.

The ecto 1:

Everything you need to know about the ectomobile.


Facts and photos on all the locations used in the movie.

Ghostbusters headquarters:

A guided online tour of the two hook and ladder buildings which were used to film the movie.


Movie props:

A detailed look at all the props in the film including ghostbusting equipment.


A look at all the costumes in the movie.

Ghostbusters show at Columbia Studios:


by misfit1

18 years, 5 months ago

Your going to remake spook central?!

I can see why the community split, and as kingpin said, it really was for the better. I dont really post much over here now as I prefer the HQ. But I know people that HATE the HQ and prefer GBN, it's all about personal preference I guess.

by thejoker1

18 years, 5 months ago

Nope, not at all. The more, the merrier.

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago

There's gonna be a lot of bandwidth usage if you're gonna have high quality scans of every page from Making Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters: The Return.

Someone tried to get unofficial blueprints of Hook & Ladder 8 from the present crew… but the request wasn't met and as such, we have no blueprints of it.

I've been working on floorplans for LA 23 (The Firehouse interiors) for a while now… but they still won't be 100% complete… short of someone doing an extensive photoshoot of each floor, or I visit it myself…

by vincentbelmont1

18 years, 5 months ago

I'm glad there are a few different sites to frequent.

Seeing some of the posts here have reminded me why I stopped coming. Granted, there's no sure-fire cure for “stupid,” but I try to expose myself to it as little as possible.

by misfit1

18 years, 5 months ago

Vincent Belmont
Seeing some of the posts here have reminded me why I stopped coming. Granted, there's no sure-fire cure for “stupid,” but I try to expose myself to it as little as possible.

I know what you mean man, this recent slew of “LOL GURLS ARE PURDY! UNF UNF FAP FAP” members are really pissing me off.

Although, if all else fails, I can always retreat to the nightsquad forums and let off some steam.

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

up yours dude

by vincentbelmont1

18 years, 5 months ago

I know what you mean man, this recent slew of “LOL GURLS ARE PURDY! UNF UNF FAP FAP” members are really pissing me off.

I'm glad I retain blissful ignorance of this GBN phenomenon.

by sinister1

18 years, 5 months ago

Fomeboy, it's a serious concern. A significant amount of members are NOT amused by the “girls are purdy” line of conversation. Easy on the insults there.