Does this mean the RGB comic will get reprinted?

by sinister1

21 years, 5 months ago

I never ever saw a single RGB comic…. I have no idea if they were out over here… All I ever did have was a Ghostbusters annual with Stay Puft on the front.

Fritz, would you mind re typing your letters please?

by cj1

21 years, 5 months ago

That's odd because Marvel put out RGB issues strictly for the UK in I think ‘89 or ’90. I guess this is why we need the issues archived because some of us never did have that joy of seeing RGB in print

by TomStantz

21 years, 5 months ago

That's odd because Marvel put out RGB issues strictly for the UK in I think ‘89 or ’90

That's right!I'm currently holding a book called “The Real Ghostbusters:Ghostnappers and Other Stories”,printed by Marvel.
The stories in it are Ghostnappers,Ecto-X,Snack Attack,Busy Busting,These Boots Were Made For Walking,Which Face is Witch,
Ponquadragor II,Tobin's Spirit,Hell Razor and Feline Phantom.
It's a bit battered,as I got it when I was a kid and read it over and over.
If anyone wants me to scan them on,I could.

by Jonny_utah5

21 years, 5 months ago

i also remember an issue where the ghostbusters fought the horseman of the apocalypse that was quite a cool one too. can't remember which was which though but i'm sure ray was famine and winston pestilence when they dressed as them in the latter half of the story

by DocFritz

21 years, 5 months ago

Marvel UK did indeed have the RGB license in England–some of their shorter stories were reprinted by Now in the Slimer! comic, RGB Vol.1 No.21, and RGB Vol.2. But most of the ones that came to the States were rather sloppy and juvenile, clearly aimed at the Slimer! audience (as opposed to the American stories, especially Vol.1, which seemed to aim at the higher standards set by Season 1) But I hasten to add that just because the stories I saw were crap doesn't mean all the Marvel UK stuff was crap.

by Kingpin

21 years, 5 months ago

Oh, a great deal of them paled in light of seeing the Now Comics. Though the Spengler's Spirit Guide was an intresting notion, as well as Winston's diary.

by PeterVenkmen

21 years, 4 months ago

Well, I'm not sure if this has been answered but I sent a letter to NOW Comics and got this.

Original Message;


is there any chance the real ghostbusters comic will be reprinted?


RE: Real Ghostbusters

Dear Peter:

No, I’m afraid the rights were given to a new Canadian comic book company before the new NOW launched.


Looks like a no show :-( .

by DocFritz

21 years, 4 months ago

Which would seem to say, if anyone will be reprinting the RGB comics, it would be 88MPH Studios. That doesn't seem real likely, as it takes place in a completely different continuity than their comics, but stranger things have happened.

The new comic selling like hotcakes would help.

by cj1

21 years, 4 months ago

Most of DC's archive collections take place in pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths and pre-Zero Hour continuity (like the Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman of the 1940s no longer exist for example), which means that while they take place out of continuity, they still helped establish history for many of their characters. Same thing 88MPH should do with the RGB comics. Id love to see a hardcover edition with an introduction by Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, or James Van Hise