Don't like Ghostbusters The Videogame as an adult!

by thedavetini

15 years, 6 months ago

Best FPS ever is Goldeneye

Halo is alright, played it haven't bought it yet, not to take anything away from it cause no game can be that popular and be shit.

Then again, he might not like goldeneye cause you got to have friends to play multiplayer and somethings wrong when someone has nothing better to do then to troll a message board trying to piss off ghostbuster fans.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 6 months ago

Halo is overrated.

by thedavetini

15 years, 6 months ago

You are a strange one. Any news on Home Alone being remade?

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

Halo is overrated.

No, it isn't.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 6 months ago

No, it isn't.

IMHO, it is. That's why I traded it in for Ghostbusters. . I played through the Halo 3 Campaign once, then after wasn't played again. I love FPS's aswell, I played a variety from F.E.A.R , Bioshock back to old school 1.6 Counterstrike. Halo is ok for me. I don't HATE Halo.. Halo is ‘meh’.. something I can have and not have at the same time.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 6 months ago

I was soooo glad Ghostbusters wasn't a fps! That was my only concern the day it was announced. You know when all we had to go on was that picture of the recruit hanging off the side of the building. Then the next day (i believe) there was some in-game footage of a tps and that was it. Since i saw that i was 100% reasured it was gunna be great! Which btw it was.

Not that i've got anything against fps i just didn't want GB to be one.

by Gareee

15 years, 6 months ago

I'm ONLY playing both the Wii version and the PV versions on the hard levels.. the wii is still far too easy, IMHO, but the PC versions does offer some though challenges.

I didn't want the experience over in a few hours, like manyh people who just tore through it on novice.

Now I have a much longer, memorable experience.

by Verdic

15 years, 6 months ago

————————-WARNING! SPOILERS!————————–


Halo is garbage.

Now that my childlike outburst is done…

I have a preternatural hatred towards all things Halo. While I was enjoying games like Call of Duty the guys in my squadron were enjoying Halo, which is still completely beyond me. I tried it multiple times at their request, and I couldn't play longer than 10 minutes without being bored. However, in Halo's defense, i'm not a HUGE sci fi fan. My sci fi tastes are extremely picky.

Mechwarrior 1, 2, 3, & 4, Eve Online and StarWars Galaxies are the extent of my love for Sci Fi games. If that tells you anything… Oh, and SW: Battlefront II.

I thought Ghostbusters The Video Game was incredible, the graphics were far superior in my own opinion than Crysis, Halo 3, and Hawx.

I love Hawx, but I haven't seen a Third Person Action/Shooter as good looking as Ghostbusters since Resident Evil 4, Bioshock, and Assassin's Creed.

All of us have different sets of things our eyes discern when we look at video game graphics. My eye tends to look for realism in the environment and urban setups. If Ghostbusters had allowed for native Anti-Aliasing, Ambient Occlusion, and native Anisotropic Filtering on the PC version, it would have easily matched Bioshock. Alas, it doesn't and probably never will.

The difficulty was spot on at Experienced for the PC Version and I never felt it was too easy,even when I was Slime Dunking ghosts in Central Park. (I saw it in a demo before the game came out, and swore i'd try it. “What do ya know? It works!” Was my response.)

The most difficult part of the game for me? Most definitely in Central Park when the Stone Angels Attack.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

I do not believe Halo started out overrated but with eventually sequels it became over hyped and THEN overrated around…I dunno…I wanna say Halo 3's release maybe…with the massive amount of 14-20 year olds “ZOMG” over it as if it were the best thing since sliced bread.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Halo. I just did not think that much for 2 and 3 (I honestly think the first is, in many ways, the superior one) and enjoyed the story across the entire franchise and the gameplay was fun and well designed…but if I had the choice to play something else…I would in a heartbeat.

As far as Goldeneye on N64. I agree wholeheartedly

by lionheart1

15 years, 6 months ago

I think I may be the one of the only people who thought the Halo series got progressively better with each new installment instead of worse.