————————-WARNING! SPOILERS!————————–
Halo is garbage.
Now that my childlike outburst is done…
I have a preternatural hatred towards all things Halo. While I was enjoying games like Call of Duty the guys in my squadron were enjoying Halo, which is still completely beyond me. I tried it multiple times at their request, and I couldn't play longer than 10 minutes without being bored. However, in Halo's defense, i'm not a HUGE sci fi fan. My sci fi tastes are extremely picky.
Mechwarrior 1, 2, 3, & 4, Eve Online and StarWars Galaxies are the extent of my love for Sci Fi games. If that tells you anything… Oh, and SW: Battlefront II.
I thought Ghostbusters The Video Game was incredible, the graphics were far superior in my own opinion than Crysis, Halo 3, and Hawx.
I love Hawx, but I haven't seen a Third Person Action/Shooter as good looking as Ghostbusters since Resident Evil 4, Bioshock, and Assassin's Creed.
All of us have different sets of things our eyes discern when we look at video game graphics. My eye tends to look for realism in the environment and urban setups. If Ghostbusters had allowed for native Anti-Aliasing, Ambient Occlusion, and native Anisotropic Filtering on the PC version, it would have easily matched Bioshock. Alas, it doesn't and probably never will.
The difficulty was spot on at Experienced for the PC Version and I never felt it was too easy,even when I was Slime Dunking ghosts in Central Park. (I saw it in a demo before the game came out, and swore i'd try it. “What do ya know? It works!” Was my response.)
The most difficult part of the game for me? Most definitely in Central Park when the Stone Angels Attack.