Don't like the cartoon as adult

by ghostbuster5

15 years, 4 months ago

I still love it, that is why i bought the complete series. there were some episodes that i didn't like but that is a small number. as a kid it was awesome, i almost crapped myself when EXB came out. now watching these 15-16years later(im 22) im happy to have them.

I totally agree with you and i still love the cartoon Ghostbusters and im 21

You can never be too old for Ghostbusters!

by GB2

15 years, 4 months ago

Im 26 and married with a 2 month old daughter i still watch them. I got the box set when they first announced it. My wife and i are both fans. Im a ghosthead while she is a casual fan but its fun to watch them together. My daughter will grow up to be a ghosthead as well.

by KillerBee256

15 years, 4 months ago

For me I just don't like the story lines. Thought I have to say I much prefer the animation style that the real ghostbusters used, much more then animation used in modern cartoons, which these days is heavily influenced by anime. And let me say I don't hate the cartoon, and I don't deny I ever liked it. It's just it's so unrealistc and (duh) childish. ((*rant)) Let's take the heilcopper from the cartoon which is one of the few vehicles I can remeber. I mean in real life you can't build your own helicopper and fly it, the FAA would come down on you. Also it would be cheaper and easier to just buy one and modify it to your needs, but if they did that in the cartoon they wouldn't be able to sell a cool toy, though to me a ghost busting huey sounds cooler then some made up thing, but that's just me. And slimer being friendly kind of bugs me, I prefer him as a minor recurring enemy. Also l let me make it clear I'm attacking you folks who still like it. May I should watch some of the older episodes they made before they started to use the cartoon as a cash in for toys.

by GB2

15 years, 4 months ago

For me I just don't like the story lines. Thought I have to say I much prefer the animation style that the real ghostbusters used, much more then animation used in modern cartoons, which these days is heavily influenced by anime. And let me say I don't hate the cartoon, and I don't deny I ever liked it. It's just it's so unrealistc and (duh) childish. ((*rant)) Let's take the heilcopper from the cartoon which is one of the few vehicles I can remeber. I mean in real life you can't build your own helicopper and fly it, the FAA would come down on you. Also it would be cheaper and easier to just buy one and modify it to your needs, but if they did that in the cartoon they wouldn't be able to sell a cool toy, though to me a ghost busting huey sounds cooler to then some made up thing, but that's just me. And slimer being friendly kind of bugs me, I perfer him as a minor recurring enemy. Also l let me make it clear I'm attacking you folks who still like it.

Its a CARTOON. I think you are analyzing things a little to much. Plus cartoons are different now. In the 80's you didnt have to make everything have a explination. Thats why all new cartoons that come out to day are crap. Everything has to have a reason and just cant be fun. Thats why my daughter is going to grow up watching all the old cartoons i have on dvd. You cant name one good cartoon thats on tv today that will be remembered when my 2 month old daughter is my age of 26. Nothing has a impact anymore like the old shows and movies for that matter. Im sounding like a old man when im just 26 but its true.

by KillerBee256

15 years, 4 months ago

Its a CARTOON. I think you are analyzing things a little to much.
Fair enough, and yeah it's not like the teenage mutant ninja turtles cartoon was that different in terms of cash in for toys (not that I can remember that one very well).

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 4 months ago

Let's take the heilcopper from the cartoon which is one of the few vehicles I can remeber. I mean in real life you can't build your own helicopper and fly it, the FAA would come down on you. Also it would be cheaper and easier to just buy one and modify it to your needs, but if they did that in the cartoon they wouldn't be able to sell a cool toy, though to me a ghost busting huey sounds cooler then some made up thing, but that's just me. And slimer being friendly kind of bugs me, I prefer him as a minor recurring enemy. Also l let me make it clear I'm attacking you folks who still like it. May I should watch some of the older episodes they made before they started to use the cartoon as a cash in for toys.

You refer to the fact that you still love the movies, but the cartoon is unrealistic to you… So you don't have a problem with them wearing unlicensed nuclear accelerators, using technology that doesn't exist, to trap and contain ghostly spirits that can talk and interact with humans, a 100 foot Marshmallow Man walking around trying to destroy NYC… none of that bothers you… but the fact that they build and operate their own helicopter… that's what makes it unrealistic to you?

Newsflash… its fiction. The majority of fiction and fantasy cartoons, movies, etc., are extremely unrealistic. That's the fun of them. The movies are just as unrealistic as the cartoons. None of it is actually possible or plausible.

Oh and the cartoon was ALWAYS made with the purpose of selling toys. That's pretty much why every cartoon ever made has ever been made. They're made for kids, and the marketing and toys are a perfect way to cash in.

by GB2

15 years, 4 months ago

Fair enough, and yeah it's not like the teenage mutant ninja turtles cartoon was that different in terms of cash in for toys (not that I can remember that one very well).

I'm also a tmnt fan but yeh, I just enjoyed all these great cartoons from the 80's. There was nothing like waking up on a Saturday morning and watching ghostbusters and ninja turtles etc. While eating a big bowl of ghostbusters cereal. God I wish I could go back to the 80's again as a kid.

by OniellFord

15 years, 4 months ago

Heck, I love the show still! I used to be glued to the screen when it came on and would get alot of RGB toys! I saw some episodes recently and I still love the show. It's something that I can watch with my kids (when I have some kids) and still please me.

It's kinda like watching the old 1970's “Land of The Lost”. It's a show that's enjoyable by kids and adults. I do understand how you feel about growing to dislike something you used to love when you were a kid. I felt that way about EGB. Back then it seemed cool, but now it seems like a horrible attempt at reviving the GB franchise.

Hey wait a minute…. the RGB Box sets are out allready?? My god, I guess I've been so embroiled in my chaotic life to even notice! Better go heat up the ol' Proton Pack one more time! (*ray)(*egon)(*peter)(*winston)

by GB2

15 years, 4 months ago

Oniell Ford;150131
Heck, I love the show still! I used to be glued to the screen when it came on and would get alot of RGB toys! I saw some episodes recently and I still love the show. It's something that I can watch with my kids (when I have some kids) and still please me.

It's kinda like watching the old 1970's “Land of The Lost”. It's a show that's enjoyable by kids and adults. I do understand how you feel about growing to dislike something you used to love when you were a kid. I felt that way about EGB. Back then it seemed cool, but now it seems like a horrible attempt at reviving the GB franchise.

Hey wait a minute…. the RGB Box sets are out allready?? My god, I guess I've been so embroiled in my chaotic life to even notice! Better go heat up the ol' Proton Pack one more time! (*ray)(*egon)(*peter)(*winston)

Time Life is selling the complete series boxset which includes every episode of RGB plus tons of bonus stuff and it also includes all the episodes from slimer and the RGB, or you can get the 1st season in stores now. Trust me, Go with the time life boxset. They dropped the price on it also.

by KillerBee256

15 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;150114
a problem with them wearing unlicensed nuclear accelerators, using technology that doesn't exist, to trap and contain ghostly spirits that can talk and interact with humans, a 100 foot Marshmallow Man walking around trying to destroy NYC… none of that bothers you… but the fact that they build and operate their own helicopter… that's what makes it unrealistic to you?

I think why I like the film, is it is party ground in realty, like Harold Ramis talks about in the commentary on the dvd. The viewer is able to aspect the fantastic, as long the story starts out in grounded in reality and then moves the veiwer into the fantastic elements. For instance in first film, when have buy a (very cool) junker of a car, or " Ray: 'this magnificent feast represents the last of the petty cash' Peter: ‘slow down chew your food’" or something to that effect, or in the hotel when Egon points out their wearing unlicensed nuclear accelerators on their backs.