Ach… where to begin? Well, I can safely say that sometimes, ignorance is bliss…
I don't know but, as a kid I liked many things, and one of those was the state puff marshmellow man and slimmer, honestly I have never bought the movies but I know when I was a kid that was always the movie to watch and always the talk at school…..Please don't ruin it for our future kids by not making a part 3.
I'd highly recommend you buy the films then, they're comedy classics considering the quality of films these days, you don't get much original thinking in Hollywood anymore…
Um, it's also ‘Stay Puft Marshmallow Man’ and ‘Slimer’. As for a third movie, well… it's up to Sony and Bill, they back it financially and he has the ‘nay’ or ‘yay’ vote. If he doesn't want to do it then they can't do it.
Also, so what if the story has to change I never saw the original cast as being really in it if there was going to be a part 3 maybe as mentors or sideins which would be great idea but bill Murray ya it wouldn't be the same if murray wasn't in it or even the rest…but if that should come to rise, so be it, can't make everybody happy…just don't ruin the enjoyment of our children just because the script doesn't look good…work on a new one….make it better but make it for our kids….over the age of 13 of course it wouldn't be ghostbusters if there wasn't a little cussing in it or adult situations….but hopefully you understand what I mean
Well… as it happened, the intent was to have at least Ray, Egon and Winston act as mentors for a newer generation of Ghostbusters… Murray's position was always up in the air based simply on his personal approach to a third film (In other words, nothing final was arranged). The recent script info actually suggested a really good plot and some really amusing ideas, so there didn't appear to be anything wrong with the story itself.
But, it's down to Sony and Bill Murray being able to finally agree, and then get the ball rolling with Dan and Harold.
But with Bill being so stubborn, a thid movie is almost impossible these days, sadly.