Don't see on GB3!

by ghostbuster520

22 years, 8 months ago

What would you not like to see if there was a GB3?

by MarySpengler

22 years, 8 months ago

..??.. I dunno..

by GbusterKeenster

22 years, 8 months ago

I heard Bill Murray only wanted to make a quick cameo in the third movi i it were to be made. He said he wanted to die off and come back as a ghost. The dieing part of Peter Venkman I wouldn't like at all. That just wouldn't seem right in a Ghostbusters movie.

by samuraijackGB

22 years, 8 months ago

Sucky proton packs.
The GB losing.
stupid ghostbusters.
Thats what I don't want to see


22 years, 8 months ago

Computer animation for EVERYTHING AND IT'S MOTHER!

by thePizzaMaster

22 years, 8 months ago

Britany Spears.

by bizdog

22 years, 8 months ago

And, uh, there are a good deal of us who never want to see another Ghostbusters film. GB2 kind of put a sour mark on the series - your average, non-Ghostbusters afficianado will cite the first as being a great movie, but the second as being stupid. I have a special place in my heart for the second one, but only cuz i am a rabid fan. However, there are some very obvious reasons why sequals dont work for ghostbusters.

1) The first movie was charming in that it was a going-into-business movie. Three guys with no more knowledge of ghostbusting than you or I start a business of it. We are learning with them. No prior knowledge is necessary. This is the first time a movie of the kind has been done and it worked as a stand-alone movie. When you make a sequal, you are making a movie about GHOSTBUSTING. A full length episode of the cartoon show. They attempted to do a “returning to business” type of deal in GB2, but it failed (from critics to ticket sales).

2) A large goal of the film would be to find a new younger audience, meaning there would be a lot of crap that we would all call untrue to the series. Goofy attempts at retrofitting the Ecto (like in GB2), streamlining the uniforms, updating the proton packs (perhaps a sleek, Men-In-Black silver look to them) - RUINING THE CHARM. There is NO movie studio on Earth that would allow a film to have the same look as it had when made in 1984. Unfortunately, yes, but true.

3) A new cast will most likely suck. The actors in GB were dry comedians. Nowadays, you dont make it unless you have some kind of slapstick or over-the-top sense of humor. Think Will Smith, Adam Sandler, Jack Black, etc. This will change the Ghostbusters comedic feel completely. Don't get me wrong, Jack Black is hilarious, but in a GB suit? And i am terrified of the thought that this could fall to Freddie Prinze Jr. and that ass companion of his.

4. The story will suck as well. Come on, GB as a concept was terrible until it was fixed by Reitman and Ramus. THANK GOD they changed it. Same went for GB2, and I have my doubts about a two-parter written by Aykroyd, who is WAAAAY too much into the world of the spirits. That kind of devotion and call for accuracy will take down the GB series. (example: his comentary in the DVD 1999 featurate - he sounds insane; “the revelations that are to come” - i respect his work, and i'm a believer to some extent, but…). More importantly: satan and hell? Hmm…..

With these four concerns in mind (not to mention a new crappy Ghostbusters song that no one will remember - who the hell is going to outdo the original), i would prefer it doesn't happen. That said, i think it will happen. Not next year, maybe not for the next five years, but within the next ten or twenty years, someone will realize it's a lucrative field and exploit it.

For no better reason of why they shouldn't make it, check out Blues Brothers 2000. Now imagine Ghostbusters 2000. Good god, it makes me feel sick.


PS - If you dug Blues Brothers 2000, please don't bother replying. You're probably one of those people who wants a sequal for the sake of a sequal, not for the sake of a good addition to the series. My same feelings go towards EGB fans - face it, kids, it really had no heart as a cartoon show. It sucked. Imagine that you weren't a ghostbusters fan, and you quickly realize why it got cancelled. Don't get me wrong, i love the first two movies, i've built my own proton pack, have a patch on the arm of my jacket, and go to Columbia (which Ghostbusters must have played SOME subliminal role in causing) - but i think, like a lot of you, GB3 will suck.

PPS - That GB3 poster someone made and put up is well done. Good work man.

by bigpapi428

22 years, 8 months ago

louis tully