Dose GB have anything in common with Indy Jones?

by BigD63026

23 years, 2 months ago

Okay, I'm a newbie here, just want to say hi to everyone real quick. Alright, here lately we've been hearing news about Paramount having a sequel clause in the rights for Indy Jones. People have been saying that Lucas and Spielberg are going to take the movie and have Dreamworks produce it. Now, is there any chance that Columbia Tri Star/Sony might have the same deal with the Ghostbusters franchise? Its a long shot, just wondering


by thePizzaMaster

23 years, 2 months ago

Dan Aykroyd has been trying to make Ghostbusters 3 for years, if it does happen, its not going to happen anytime soon.

by Venkman

23 years, 2 months ago


Its always possible, but just not that likely

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago



23 years, 1 month ago

hello.welcome to crazy town as some would probably say. If they would make a Gb3 they better soon. Because if they want the original 4 in, they better soon because they are getting old and cant run around anymore,probably at least