Dug up these up. Gave them some polish.

by Trist

14 years, 7 months ago

Hey guys and gals, I've been slowly posting more and more Ghostbusters art up on my deviantart account. My brother got me one of those paid accounts, so it's given me incentive to use it more often

I'm sure some of you have already seen the Tobin's Spirit Guide stuff I've been working on, but about a year ago I was asked to pitch for the IDW comic books (having just about finished my run on the TMNT comics). The first pitch was unsuccessful, in that it was approved by IDW, but by the time Sony got around to looking at it, IDW needed to run with Displaced Aggression, and with Displaced Aggression being the last miniseries for the comics, the pitch just kind of vanished into the ether.

Anyway, prior to finding out that IDW were only taking one-shots and that they'd all been allocated for 2010, I had started putting another pitch together using my own art and an entirely new story. I'd been sitting on the pencils and lines since, and when I got the new DA account, figured I'd fix them up and finish them off, then post them on the account. Here they are, hope you dig them on their own!

by Trist

14 years, 7 months ago

Oops! Doesn't look like I can post more images… sorry for the double post then. You can check out the rest on my Deviant art account – tristjones.deviantart.com I guess!