Duh-nuh nuh-nuh Spielberg confirms Jaws Blu-ray

by pf4eva1

13 years, 8 months ago

Duuuuuhhh… dum

Duuuuuhhh… dum

Those menacing notes can mean only one thing…

Jaws theme (John Williams)

The first modern blockbuster is currently being mastered for Blu-ray. Steven Spielberg just confirmed it in an interview with Ain't It Cool News's Quint (Go figure smile). And to make the news even bigger, unlike his “friend” George Lucas, don't expect Steven to add a CGI shark or Jar Jar Binks to the mix. Steve is all for film reservation – wires, grain, and all.


by jettajeffro

13 years, 8 months ago

Man and I just got the laserdisk special edition with novel and soundtrack included. Now I have to upgrade again.