Dutch ghostbusters society website is coming soon

by robertknippels1

18 years, 5 months ago

Hello Gh0stbuster,

I am busy with new updates. And they will come soon. A new ecto file. the Oprah show will be continued and more interviews will be online….even a new spooky link will be made…there are 1000 idea's I have. The last few days I was at conventions and made some pictures. I will also post those it was star wars vs ghostbusters.

The reason I am not much online lately is that I am busy to promote a childrens book and have a couple drawings project but don't be afraid…I will stay on target..

Best regards,


no job is too big no fee is too big

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago

Robert, would it be possible if you could create a Uploadit file for those who wish to save a copy of the two RGB promos on your page?

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 5 months ago

robert knippels
Hello Gh0stbuster,

I am busy with new updates. And they will come soon. A new ecto file. the Oprah show will be continued and more interviews will be online….even a new spooky link will be made…there are 1000 idea's I have. The last few days I was at conventions and made some pictures. I will also post those it was star wars vs ghostbusters.

The reason I am not much online lately is that I am busy to promote a childrens book and have a couple drawings project but don't be afraid…I will stay on target..

Best regards,


no job is too big no fee is too big

Great, then we will see some pics of a battle between lightsabers and proton packs. lol

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 5 months ago

Robert, would it be possible if you could create a Uploadit file for those who wish to save a copy of the two RGB promos on your page?

Just hack the system. lol
Here's the Link (save link as…)

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago

Thanks… Gh0stbuster.

by robertknippels1

18 years, 5 months ago

Hello Kingpin,

I see that Gh0stbuster already found a solution. Of course I want to make it availeble for everybody but I don't know on what site I should post those video's. I can't post them on my own site because I don't have enough webspace for it. Maybe I should look at photobucket if it has a way to give those files free.

Hello Gh0stbuster,

yes indeed there where a lot of lightsables fighting with my proton beams…I will post some pictures soon. I will also make another link where I put all the mediafiles. I think that is better.

stay tuned for more….

Best regards,


by spengs1

18 years, 5 months ago

Robert: You know depending on the file size that I want to host/share the videos as well. I already downloaded the better version of the RGB promo and it will be the GBI site in one of my next updates.

I'll write you more about this when I write you back.

by robertknippels1

18 years, 4 months ago

It's been a while since I posted here…Don't be afraid there is still being worked on the site…maybe a bit undercover but I have some nice idea's in mind and it take some time. meanwhile a good friend of mine is working on a great new link for my site. I am not gonna tell what it is…time will tell…

We are working hard to bring new ecto files online but I want to make soms good stories with a nice plot in it. A lot of pictures will be made like I've done with the first ecto file.

Since halloween is coming I will put a ghostbusers halloween remix on my site soon. It is a rare mix that I have. I will put also the rest of the Oprah Winfrey interview online. And spengs…as soon as I have all the material digital I will take care that you get all the material.

I also need more webspace..I am allready looking for new webspace because from hetnet.nl gave me 22 mb and that is not enough space for the things I have in mind.

Anyway I just want to let you know that I am still working on it… but I want to come up with some good stuff and that takes time…

Best regards,


by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 4 months ago

We all are very patient Rob.. You seem to be having alot of fun on your fourm. Everyone needs to join. It's a great fourm. I've been looking at your site every chance I get. I can't wait for more updates Rob.

Keep up the great work!


by robertknippels1

18 years, 4 months ago

The reason that things take a bit longer is that i am looking for new and more webspace. Since my space is totally full now. I found a provider that gives 1500 mb. That should be enough for what I want to do. Hopefully we can introduce the spooky basement, the halloween remix from ghostbusters and more…

I will probably also post 2 new ecto files since my colleague is helping me. and when I have that webspace I put the whole oprah interview online.

My forum isn't that big yet and it is also a total new thing for me to own a forum. There are still a lot of things that I have to work on.

Best regards,
