Eagle Ghostbusters

by ToastDuster

15 years, 5 months ago

:-)I was having a quick go on the old Spectrum GB game at the weekend, and suddenly remembered that Eagle comic used to run a strip called ‘Computer Warrior’ in which a kid was zapped into a C64 and had to fight games for real.
All of the games played were real ones available at the time, and Ghostbusters was one of them.
i remember it being quite good,.
been looking for it online, but no luck so far

by Kingpin

15 years, 5 months ago

That's a little spooky, only a few hours I was reading a entry about Eagle in a book about British comics which happened to mention that very comic strip character.

The book also happened to mention It's Wicked! helmed by Slimer… but that's another story.

by ToastDuster

15 years, 5 months ago

i'm going to ransack my 80's British comics archive sometime in tne next couple of weeks to see if i might have an issue or 2 of this story.
I definately kept some Eagles with Scream and RoboMachines strips somewhere.

by ToastDuster

15 years, 5 months ago

The Marvel Bumper Comic featured some RGB stories as well, but they were a little naff, and sometimes reprints