East TN Ghostbusters Franchise

by SpecterHarness

22 years ago

K, this dude up top wanted to start a franchise but some little dude tried to make one earlier. Little dude left, Ecto-3 tried to make one, he disappeared. I'm the only one left trying to form a ETGB..

I might mysteriously dissapear as well…


by LouisTully

22 years ago

The oft started but yet to be comppleted ETGB franchise has been a sort of “Burmuda Triangle” of franchises.

I may send The Middle Tennessee Ghostbusters out that way to investigate. If I recall correctly, they owe us a favor…

by Spengs

22 years ago

They don't call TN the volunteer state for nothing! :d

by SpecterHarness

22 years ago

Maybe a demon is lurking in the area killing off ghostbusters before the ETGB can fully set up. I'm soooo glad to be paranoid. That demon comes around here, I'll carve my name into his face with my particle thrower. hehehe

LOL Man, I sound demented, but it feels so good!

by Dr.Roberts

22 years ago

OH NO! You are NOT dragging me back into that neck of the woods again without some hazard pay or something!

C'mon ETGB get some pix up on the site! MTGB can't be solely resposible for paranormal elimination in Tennessee!

I've been working for nearly 3 month with no break…if I don't get to step out for a shower and fresh uniform soon it could turn ugly…I didn't use to look like this.

by SpecterHarness

22 years ago

“OH NO! You are NOT dragging me back into that neck of the woods again without some hazard pay or something!”

That gives me a lot of cofidence, Doc.

Is there something lurking out here that you all haven't told me about yet?!?

That is probably why everyone out here keeps dissapearing. You don't say nothin, then they die.

Whatever is out here. You can count on us.

Two ETGB's have fallen to this menance, but I will need some help in order to keep us alive long enough to whale on the evil!!! :s


22 years ago

Doc Roberts, you think you look bad. I've been done here busting ghosts all by myself for two months! And let em tell you, I've seen crap that'd turn you you white!

by Sis_of_ETGB

22 years ago

You boys better get to work on that ETGB. I'd hate to have to hunt you down, Dr. Harness.

by SpecterHarness

22 years ago

Welcome to GBN, sis. Ya'll better be nice to my girl, or I'll have to kick yer butt. LOL :d :s

Whoa!! You joined 5 months, 5 days after me? NEATO! :O

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 12 months ago

We have pictures!!!! But I want to add them to the new site, but I haven't got all the stuff to do that (i.e. buttons, banners, or a title thing for the top of the page)

Oh well, we'll keep working Mr. Tully. Would it be too much to ask for a good graphics designer to help us out with the site?